Hair loss

I knew to expect some hair loss post partum. But today when I woke up from a nap, it looked like someone took very dull scissors to my hair and attempted to give me bangs. What the hell?! Ugh. So it looks like I'll have to try to unattach Colin from my boob long enough tomorrow to get my hair cut. :P


  • Ugh.. that blows.. i havent had much of that at all..
  • I lost gobs of hair everyday till my daughter was six months! It's normal
  • Your body suppresses its shedding function while you're prego so once you give birth it goes into overdrive lol. It will even out.
  • @kritten_octoberbby @happymommyof2 @starrxoxo9

    :D Thanks! I was just so surprised and started looking for the missing hair on the pillow and bed. Never did find it. lol
  • I also have the same problem! I am loosing hair like crazyyy... I usually always wear hair pulled back in pony tail, well hells bells.. Im bald from front fiorehead area.. Literally Im bald! So to cover it up, I wear my sunglasses on my head all the time!! Oh God help me, DONT want to loose more!!
  • oh @betty! :( you poor lady! you have me paranoid now though. my forehead already feels bigger. lol
  • I have been losing hair for 24 weeks! My hair is thin now and it sucks. I hate feeling my hair sliding down my body in the shower! Thank God it's slowing down now. You can lose your hair up to a year
  • I havent lost alot of hair just the normal daily shedding. And im breastfeeding. I thought I would of started by now
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