stranger danger in the delivery room.
Wtf?! So yesterday I learned that the midwife I have been seeing for the past 8 months probably wont even be in the delivery room!! Gosh I loooove tricare and army hospitals! Ugh so pissed. I'm wanting to go natural and I want a calm setting. How the heck am I suopose to be calm, comfortable and at ease when I'm going to be treated as a random person?! I understand there are a lot of pregnant army wives, but what the heck.. ugh..
36 weeks and not looking forward to birth that much now.
36 weeks and not looking forward to birth that much now.
I'm just going to try and look on the bright side and try to stick with my plan. Not sure how well hubby will do. Everytime I watch a baby story or the other birth shows he always talkes about how I'll be getting an epidural or he'll bitch how the woman are screaming from the pain and how they're stupid. I may kick him out!! I'm hoping he's just trying to push my buttons and being 'playful'.