I feel rediculous! long-ish

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
So I was just going through clothes to start washing them, and I can't help but cry. Almost 3 years ago, they told my husband and I that we would never be able to concieve and now I'm 7 months pregnant. The thing that scares me is that I'm terrified to get his clothes ready in fear that something will happen. I'm scared that if i get it all ready, I won't have a baby. I'm extremely terrified lately that something is going to happen. I dream that my water breaks, that I give birth. I'm so scared all the time.... is this normal to feel this way, or am I just overly paranoid?


  • Its totally normal, I have had dreams my entire pregnancy that I would go into preterm labour and have a sick baby. I also have had a paranoia about bubs being breech... But here I am 2 days before my due date, still pregnant and bubs is head down.
    I think we have these fears because we love them so much and want to protect them from the world already.
  • @tinka1326 I'm glad im not the only one. I feel crazy sometimes
  • Hahaha its the hormones that do it... Turns us into crazy paranoid women. But if ever something doesnt feel right dont be scared to go get checked, I have had more concerns to be checked this pregnancy than I did my last but everything is always fine lol
  • I have the same thoughts and fears. My baby room is all disarrayed and all the gifts from my baby shower still in the gift bags because I'm so worried I'm going to lose my baby. I too was told I would never have children/ carry full term and now with just seven more weeks I just pray each day goes by faster and faster.
  • @junebuggbabie85 exactly how i feel except 11 weeks left
  • @mama2be11_4_11 I really hope these fears don't get worse within the next few months :(
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