I think I may have the baby blues...

edited October 2011 in Postpartum Depression
I had my baby Saturday, I'm a FTM and of course the responsibilities of a new baby can be quite overwhelming. I'm extremly happy to have my baby with me finally but I randomly find myself thinking of the future, if I'll be a good mom, will I be able to give and provide for my son and I and at times I find myself alone even though I'm not. I live with my mom and sisters and my boyfriend so I have plenty of help I just fear being a single parent idk why I feel like since my son was born my boyfriend and I are kind of losing reach with one another, only time we interact is if it involves the baby and I'm feeling neglected too...idk if everything I'm feeling is overreacting but I hate this :(


  • i dont think you're overreacting. I had my son friday and ever since i've been this zombie. i had a csection and my bf works 10 hour shifts so its just me and the baby. I knew it would be tough having a newborn, but i didnt think it would be this difficult. im trying to hang in there and i encourage you to do the same. I know its hard but in time things will get better(so im told). Easier said then done i know
  • Lack of sleep increasing all of those emotions alot! And the hormones...I felt the same way...mt son was not a content baby for the first 6weeks so my husband and I only focused on him..we really didn't spend any time focused on our relationship ans it all gets extremely overwhelming ...I promise it will get easier. Ur hormones will level out and u and baby will start to find a routine and u will feel much more in control. Each day will bring new challenges but also accomplishments ...like the first day I got to shower and put in make up and get dressed before baby woke up I was thrilled!! Hang in there hun....its all very new but I will get better!!! And u will enjoy it...I love every moment with my son but admit the first few weeks were super hard!!!!!
  • @_kaykes @augustbaby well I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling like this then, it sucks I don't want to be down on such a happy moment in my life. I just need to take it one day at a time. Now I feel like every decision I make will fall apon my parenting skills and so on.
  • Me too! I'm so tired of hearing "it will get better" "sleep when the baby sleeps" it's beyond annoying now. I feel like if I vent to people like I did in the hospital some one might misinterpret what in saying.
  • @_kaykes exactly I feel the same! Everyone tells me to sleep when he does but its easier said than done honestly! I feel like nobody understands me unless they're exactly in my shoes.
  • I'm two weeks two days pp. I had the same problem. The first week was the hardest. I had a c section too, and the way my body looked didn't help the situation. The best thing I've found that gets me through the days is to just focus on each day by day. And every time I have a sour thought I just look at my little one and think of how happy he makes me and how much he needs me to be strong! Hope this helps! We will make it ladies!
  • @PregnantElf thanks I appreciate it, definitely agree things have to be taken one day at a time its hard ; random unessasary thoughts run through my head I felt the same about my body and feeling like my boyfriend is probably disgusted by my PP body idk hormones suck!!!
  • I'm 2Wks PP and at times, I find myself crying&stressing behind everything, I'm sleep deprived, my appetite is gone(I eat maybe once a day) my incision got infected & i have to tend to that. I love my baby & knew being a mother would be hard. I'm doing this alone which makes it even harder.
  • @MissQ_1stTimeMommy2B I have also a major loss of appetite since I've given birth idk what it is, I'm too focused on taking care of my son that I don't even get hungry...
  • @JnetteP I understand how u feel, I hope things get better for us & congrats on ur new baby!
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