baby sick?? coughing....

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
my 1 month old started coughing....then she threw up some of her formula. so i thought maybe she was coughing bc she had to puke...but she kept coughing. Idk if she threw up bc i laid her down too fast after eating. But what can coughing mean?


  • My 1 month olds not been to well either but not coughin so bump
  • My pediatrician said some sneezing and coughing is normal
  • Coughing is a sign of reflux. Since she vomited her formula, I would seriously consider this as the cause of it. If she keeps it up I would take her to the doctor. It could just be a cold, but just throwing that in as a cause too. I hope she feels better!
  • @dreaMaria I thought it may be reflux too...I told nurses at the pedi office and they just said to switch her formula..but she hasn't gotten any better.

    @happymommyof2 do you know how much coughing is normal?
  • I would make an appt with the pediatrician.
  • what @dreamaria said. my bby has silent reflux n coughs quite often.. n switching the formula won't do anything.. its something they have to grow out of.. jus burp often.. don't lay her down flat after eating... mayb switch bottles? mines got better after I got dr brown bottles.. good luck mamma
  • My son who is almost 6 weeks has been coughing too. But big bro started pre k recently and had a cold so I figured that was the cause since I had a lil bit of a cold too. I guess its common for babies to sneeze and cough. Since my lil man hasn't had a fever or any other problems I didn't take him to doctor but if it continues or worsens we will be there 8am Monday.
  • @naliibby2 I was thinking of trying dr browns...but I didn't know if it would really make a difference. I'm using breastflow right now...which ones did you use before you switched?
  • even flow.. cheap lil ones.. I think urs would b fine den...
  • I would say some random coughing here and there but if baby continuously coughs or loses her breath I would take her in.
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