castrol oil attempt.. ewe!



  • So I did it too and was able to keep it down having pretty strong contractions that started at 6 mins apart but are now getting closer.
  • I heard it works only if your in early labor already. Are you dilated at all? Or having irregular contractions before hand?
  • I know for me I'm 3 cm dilated. And been having contractions since 26 weeks
  • Sending labor dust your way :-D (*)
  • @MyBamBina28 ya ive been contracting for a wk now! @kailiasmomma05 :o( theyer annoying if nothin happens...@mommimisha thanks I need it
  • Well my contractions stopped. No baby for me unless my water breaks.
  • Bummer girl. Thanks for posting. Makes me think there's no way in hell i could do it!
  • Ya
    It was worthless
  • :( Zorian's birth date buddy is comfy inside mommy!
  • Well former birth date
  • ya you beat us too the finish line.. hmm.. any day now for us.. i new i would go over.. well i still have 2days and the rest of tonight.. then ill be over.. its just in my dna... darnet.. lol.. i have to be patient and wait for my lil stuborn one to decide when its time .. or he will have to be forced out in a wk.. id rather he come before then of course.. /:-)
  • @ExcitedForOctober whoops forgot to tag you.. lol :-))
  • When iread this ithought of yu... I was reading self induce tips and one was eat eggplant parmesean however yu spell it lol... its supposed to help induce labor @lae3

    Eggplant Parmesan One of the methods of self-inducing labor that's been sweeping the internet in recent years is the myth that eggplant will start labor. This maternity myth started when a news story began circulating about a restaurant in Georgia named Scalini's. Apparently the mothers of over 300 babies have gone into labor in the past 23 years, within 48 hours of eating the eggplant parmegiana. The funny part is, it may just be that the dish causes the women to go into labor, but it's not the eggplant. The herbs Oregano and Basil have properties that may cause contractions, though it is not yet known how or in what quantities. This is why, in aromatherapy circles, these herbs and essential oils are to be avoided whenever possible during pregnancy. <<< but then it days avoid LOL
  • @mommimisha yeah ive heard of that.. and theres a place here in Sac california.. that makes a labor pizza.. i would try it.. but .. i dont want to make it .. or go to get one slice of pizza plus i dont believe any of the myths considering ive tryed everything :-))
  • haha Idnt blame yu.. there are sooo many myths from salad to sex... if thee baby isn't ready iguess thee baby isn't coming.. lol ijust wanted to share that with yu because it made me think of yu... how's it coming along now?
  • @lae3 you are in sac? We live on beale afb next to marysville/yuba city but I am going to be delivering in roseville :) didn't realize you were so close!
  • @Meliz1187 cool lets start a
    Moms club.. I dont have alot of friends round here :o( not my home town ive lived here bout 2yrs now
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