ayva is always hungry!!!

edited October 2011 in Babies
Ayva constantly wants to eat! I feel like I'm feeding her too much! I try everything before feeding her just to make sure something else isn't wrong but the only thing that satisfies her is a bottle. I'm kinda worried. I was told to give her rice cereal in her bottle but she has colic and I don't think I can handle her if she gets much worse


  • How old is she and how much/how often is she eating? She may be going through a growth spurt.
  • She's 7 weeks and she eats anywhere from 4 to 7 oz every 2 to 4 hrs
  • mine eats 5 ever 3hrs.. 6weeks almost 7.. I don't think thats too much? shes just a hungry grl! feed her!! lol
  • Lol ok I just don't want to over feed her. I'm afraid my dr is going to say something about her weight :(
  • I agree w @naliibby2, feed her however much she wants!
  • Have u tried the little remedies natural medicine for colic relief?
  • I use gripe water @mommy2b1111
  • I feel like that too I'm not producing enough breast milk so I breast-feed for like 20 min and then she still drinks 3oz after that. And shes only 4 weeks
  • Ya I had to stop breastfeeding but wen I was she ate on both sides for about an hr total and then ate a 2/4oz bottle afterwards
  • same with my baby but shes 100% breastfed i only think she eats for comfort not cuz shes really hungry then if i feed her as much as she wants she throws up
  • Ya I thought ayva was doing that too when I was bf but nowshes on the bottle and she doesn't spit up at all so she really was super hungry lol
  • I sees she has silent reflux. Have you talked to the pediatrician about it?
  • @DreaMaria I don't think she has reflux. I put her on sensitive formula and she hasn't been fussy since really. She just eats a ton! Lol. She has a dr appt on the 26th but if she starts with the bad fusinessand spitup ill b taking her in sooner
  • If she's spitting up your over feeding her. If she's fine then your not :)
  • Ya she's doesn't spit up unless I don't burp her
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