
edited October 2011 in Labor
I have been having not very painful contractions with cramping since yesterday at 4pm and they arnt getting worse!! Just staying the same.. :/ went to the hospital last night and im at 3cm dilated and 70% effaced. Im getting discouraged..


  • At 6.15pmi was 2-3cm 7.15pm i was 10cm don't be discouraged your gettin some were! nearly there good luck :)
  • @samiUK thank you! I just feel like im getting no where
  • I was the same, my contractions were straight after other only lasting 40seconds though and weren't doin any thing so had to have drip, just think its nearly over and will have your lo in your arms soon! you having boy or girl?
  • edited October 2011
    I started getting a backache around noon yesterday followed by non painful contractions so I went to the hospital and they took me right into L&D and I dilated from fingertip to 3 1/2cm then stopped... So they released me and since then just mild contractions here and there with a constant menstrual like backache/cramps so I'm with you on the frustration part, seemed like it was going steady last night and then stopped all of a sudden. Here's some Labor Dust for us both :) . : * . : * . : * good luck!!!
  • Thank you ladies! Im having a lil girl. I walked all day today and plan on having sex with my hubby later tonight... The nurse said the problem is my baby wont drop.. If she drops it should put me into active labor.

  • @lobstering@ TheTrondsons1st I'm with you guys I was in l&d Friday night with contractions and made it to3cm and was sent home to finish laboring and was told to come back as soon as I couldn't take it anymore and at 4 they stopped:( I now have been having contractions every once in a while. I need some dust to I wish all of you luck! Let's see who goes back to l&d first.keep me updated
  • Had my appt today the Dr determined that the baby was in distress, so I'm getting prepped for an emergency c-section....a bit scared but I know its gonna turn out fine. Good luck to you ladies and your LO's
  • @loveleebby

    good luck hun! I hope everything turns out good! You get to hold baby soon. :)
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