edited October 2011 in October 2011
IM now 5 days overdue my dd was on the 11th I'm a ftm so I really have no idea what to expect. I've heard that ftm hve a tendency to go past there dd (idk how true that is)
Bt what gets me is even bein 5 days overdue I'm still not having really any signs of labor.
Im just extremely tired
I think I lost some of what could of been my mucous plug bt cnt be sure since Oct always been known for having a lot of discharge
On n off pressure
NO contractions my stomach gets really hard whn i sleep so I'm guessing those are bh??
N as of a few days ago I started having diarrhea srri for tmi
I hve a doc appt on tues. N at my last appt. On the 13th he said I was a few centimeters dialated...I asked how many (he dodged the ?) So I'm stuck wondering
A few is more than two..right?
N I was 60% effaced

I'm so frustrated please someone give me some advice or tell me about your first pregnancy experience


  • well diareah could be an early sign of labor.. i know that.. i went over 10days with my boys and im alreading dreading the day i go past my due date.. but im pretty sure i will.. my mom had 7 kids and only one came early the rest of us went over at least two wks.. i know it can be relitive to what your mom experienced.. but not always.. good luck sweety and labor dust.. %%- (*) [-O<
  • Over due two weeks?!?! That is HELL! Im due in 3 days. Use bath room every half hour last few nights and bowel movement at least 2 to 3 Times a day, not sure if that increase is from drinking more water and having more fruit. Hoping its a labor sign though! Labor dust to you momma's! Hope you all have great birth stories.
  • I was over 11 days with absolutely No Signs!!!! nothing!!!!! had failed induction n had c sec! all worth it tho :),
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  • @ lae3 thx I definitely need it I just pray she decides to come soon
    @Beardreams well good luck hopefully baby decides to come on time n not keep u waiting labor dust to u too =)

    @naliibby2 wow =\ I would go through it for my babygirl but I hope it doesn't come to that even though I'm not having many signs..
    @2BeForgotten thanks!!!!
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