tired of waiting

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
I know I'm only 36 weeks... but I'm just ready.. I hate being pregnant. I'm just ready to have my lil girl here. Of course I'm scared to death but I'm still just ready for her to be here and to learn how to be a ftm.


  • the feeling gets worse im 39 weeks & totally expected her to be here already im dying of anticipation
  • @moodymommie I'm just so uncomfortable and tired and can't sleep. I know when she is here I wont get a lot of sleep but at least there will be a rewarding reason why. Right now its just bs that I can't sleep or rest, don't you feel the same?
  • Me too @teeniemommy! 37 wks on wed and well ready to meet my bubbs! Finally got some medication for am infection i have suspected for weeks so don't feel as uncomfortable as i did but really want to see baby and know he is safe! Good luck with yours lets hope for speedy deliveries and healthy babies x
  • @three_cats_n_a_baby yes! labor dust. I have lots of bh but no regular contractions, I'm one cm dilated and thinned a little bc of a uti, I'm thinking about getting dehydrated again just to start labor in a couple weeks lol
  • I feel exacrly the same plus I see everyone else having there babies & get so fustrated..i just want my baby & my body back! my heartburn is soo mich worse now & im so uncomfortable! ugh come on babies! my bf would like her to stay in longer tho haha
  • I feel the same way too! I had brilliant pregnancy so i shouldnt complain but i dont like being pregnant at all! Love feeling him move but the rest sucks! Im sooo uncomfy and bothered and moody and cant sleep! I want my body back and most importantly want to hold my angel in my arms! Cannot wait to have him here! Ive got 4days left til my dd. Good luck to all of us ladies and loads of labour dust!!!!
  • I wasnt prepared for the third tri. I completely forgot the pains that come along with it. But then again I never felt pain with my daughter until I was 9 months. Sleeping, something I used to love doing is a task for me now. I go to sleep in pain and wake up stiff. Last night babygirl thought it was time to play SHE WOULD NOT SLEEP! It took me 2 hours to fall asleep and then wake up this morning to her kicking...smh Then the pains in my leg that literally paralize me:( I have no idea what it is but I have an appt tomorrow and I hope to get some ansers. If it continues this way then I have to go out earlier than expected. I cant keep leaving work early because I cant walk.
  • im also very uncomfortable during this pregnancy. I can wait til december but not much longer then that. Lol. Im hoping she doesnt want to wait to long either. Im always having contractions. So we will see. Good luck to all who are closer than me. I hope they come soon.
  • me too!! i think we all get there.. especially being so close to full turm.. a few more wks and its over.. i know for me dr will wate a whole 10days before she induces .. so i know for sure it cant be more that 14days.. and that seems like an eternity.. but at my 40wk apt im going to ask to be induced by 7days or 41wks.. so i can be home with my boys on holloween and not in the hospital.. on holloween.. praying i go before then though.. cause two wks seems like forever away at this point good luck and labor dust starting next wk for you girl :X
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