OMG it Hurts .. could it be the beginning of labor??

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
I went to the Dr.s earlier I am 2 cm and 50% effaced . I am 38+5 as of today, since 3:00 I've been having really bad pains all in my stomach like a really bad cramping. I'm guessing they are contractions, they hurt so bad!! I've tried a warm shower and laying down but it does not help ..


  • Could be! Start timing them...**quick labor dust**. I hope it goes fast for you! I had awful bad contractions every 10 min for 3 days before I had my little one! Needless to say when the day finally came I was exhausted!
  • Hope it's labor for you because i've been having painful false labor for days. 38+2 Good luck!
  • I cramp after getting checked at the Dr. But it usually goes away within a couple hours. I hope its labor though labor dust but send some back this way lol.
  • The day I went into labor, I had an appt in the morning & I was that exactly 1-2cm dilated & 50% effaced. I went walkin & bam, hrs later I was in full-fledged labor! So yea this is prolly it for u! Good luck!
  • Just to let you know your contractions don't have to be regular mine weren't with baby #2 till I was crowning pretty much. It sounds like you could very well be in labor. Are they getting stronger?
  • does it radiate around back tummy and pelves and peek then go down.. if so thats deffinatly contractions.. good luck..
  • It sounds like it is tag me in your update
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