lump (NPR)

edited October 2011 in Health
anyone in here have breast cancer or fibroadenoma? I have a lump in my breast that I noticed 2 weeks ago when I came home from the hospital after giving birth. I thought it was a plugged duct *dispite it not hurting, no heat, nothing on the nipple. . .I didnt research plugged ducts before making my assumption* and didnt think much of it.
its a bit bigger then a large flattened egg, moves around when poked, doesnt hurt. I would probably still thinking its just a plugged duct if my Aunt hadnt just had a double mastectomy. *cue paranoia*
so what kind of docter should i be making a bee line for? I dont have a general practiconer really the only doc i've seen in the past 4-5 years has been my Gyno with my pregnancies. if it is cancer or a fiboadenoma could I still bf my infant? in a bit im going to call my mom and do what she tells me to but seeing if anyone else has gone through this. I'm 27btw


  • I went thru something similar a year and a half ago. I found my lump while in the shower. Mine was 3 in long and hardish and mostly stationary. I started freaking out because my granny had a mastectomy...and ofcourse I didnt have a doc in my area yet because I had just movee and hadnt been to my tricare office yet. So I went to the ER on base because I knew that would be covered. They refered me to the womans health clinic who sent me to get a biopsy. It ended up just being a huge cyst....which was good..but those few weeks before I found out were t&e worst if my life ...I know how scary it can be but try not to worry to much until you see a doc. Hell if the only doc you know is your tyno then go see them...maybe they can refer you where you need to go. Good luck Lady and keep us posted.
  • Yes, get it checked for sure. I have multiple lumps but they are not cancer. They are checked on periodically just to make sure.
    It's scary but take the right precautions and you should be fine. Take care
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