Questions about Babyshowers and the games?

edited October 2011 in Baby showers
Hey ladies please don't think I'm dumb but I am having my babyshower November 5 and I'm 32 weeks .I am wondering what are some good games to play at the shower?Do anyone have any suggestions on places to have a babyshower at?No this is not my first child!It's just that it will be 8 years in January since I had a child!PLEASE HELP ME!!


  • Games i played were: baby item word unscramble where i wrote 25 baby items and scrambled them. My guests had 5 minutes to unscramble them. Whoever unscrambled the most words won! Feed the baby was one where everyone got into pairs and each pair had to feed eachother apple carrot baby food. The pair finished first wins! I did the game where everyone wears a necklace with a pink pacifier or safety pin and they couldn't say the words baby or girl. If someone caught someone saying it then they get to take the necklace. Whoever has the most necklaces at the end wins. We also played a game where you put little safety pins in rice and each person gets blindfolded and has 1 minute to try and pick out the safety pins out of rice. Whoever picks the most out wins! Let me know if you have any questions!
  • 1) Melt different candy bars in diapers and guests have to guess what kind it is. 2) Get a roll of toilet paper and everyone has to guess how big you are around... They rip the toilet paper where they think is correct and once everyone is done you go around and see who is closest. 3) 5mins to write down as many movies as they can think of with a baby in it or the word baby in the title (can also do songs). 4) Finish the lullaby.... I had mine at my Aunt's house and just had it catered but you could really have it anywhere ya wanted! Goodluck with it all, I hope it turns out great! :)
  • GAMES: cotton balls n bowl while blind fold the person with most balls wins they use a spoon & time them.
    *blind fold, rice with safty pins timed game also only coukd grap with 3fingers
    *the crossing game pass out neck leace cant cross or lose neckless tha one with the most wins
    *get a bottle fill it with jelly beans counts each one who ever guesss right wins
    *the hanger game with laundry pins who could grab the most with one hand with out dropping name baby things
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