What brand breastfeeding bottle and pacifier do you recommend for breastfed babies?

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
What are your recommendations that you have tried bottle feeding with breastmilk of course and that baby still took both breast and bottle? Your advice will be helpful...thanks ladies...


  • I don't breast feed, my daughter only likes the hospital paci..but here is a bump for you..hope you find some answers
  • My son takes both breast and bottle great. We use dr browns. Make sure to get the level 1 nipple (slowest flow )
  • My granddaughter takes breast and bottle great. We use Platex Drop-ins.
  • They sell playtex pacifiers. The shape of a mothers nipple. I would try those. I don't know about bottles though.
  • Ive been using the breast flow bottles and my son has no nipple confusion!
  • I use tomee tippee the nipple resembles a breast it works great and she hasn't refused the breast so I guess its working
  • I use the breastflow bottles as well and she has no confusion at all. She uses nuk paci's and is fine with those as well
  • my little one is now taking a pacifier. but i think its cause shes teething. but she doesnt want to taake a bottle yet. shes 4 months
  • I was breast feeding but stopped last week but I'm using playtex ventiaire the nipples are like breast
  • My previous 3 were all Avent babies w/ bottles and Avent pacifiers. I did make the mistake of moving up to a faster nipple with the 3rd and then he would get frustrated at the breast b/c it wasn't as fast as the bottle. Pacifiers nvr seemed to interfere w/ b. feeding.
  • Breastflow bottles are great and it males them work for the milk like a breast does so they don't get lazy :)
  • Im going to use avent :)
  • Breastflow!
  • Tommee tippee! With the wide nippie!
  • Yea tommee tippees are the best. My baby takes breast good still (even tho im drying up) they are the best! And she likes only nuk binkis. She wont take any others and ive tried all kinds literally!
  • I give my girl tommee tippee bottles n she now will not breastfeed. She became lazy! The bottle gives her the milk easier. I would suggest a bottle with an air flow ventilation system.
  • Avent are good, my baby does good with them.
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