Ladies please hope that he tells me that I have at least dialated more than 1cm, I'm so ready to have my baby I was due Oct 14 and still nothing. I will update as soon as he sees me:)
*labor dust* hope u progressed some and don't worry I was one week overdue with no labor signs and I finally went into labor and it was fast n quick lol
@myHEARTZx3 Thank you ! I hope it runs smoothly I don't know what to expect:( @Ourlittlenugget Aww well I hope u don't go as long as I am! Our babys just love us too much the want to stay atached to us;)
O and heres my little update my doctor is going to have me induced tom at 5:30am, for the fact that she is not droping like she should and that I'm not dialating like I should either so in other words he said it was my choice but from his expirience I was going to have to be induced anyway. I have to say thou I'm scared now of the whole process of labor and I know its too late know but I can't help feeling this way, I walked out crying and to top it off my hubby is the same way he is too nervous and I'm just all confused and nervous now... Have any of you ladies felt this way especially
I was supposed to have a natural delivery. But because of my high blood pressure I had to be induced at 36 weeks, it def hit me hard I had went to a dr appt and I didn't even get to go home after that and get stuff ready I had to go straight to the hospital. I was induced the next day in labor for 20+ hours and but he was being stubborn and didn't want to come so I ended up with a c-section. Sometimes things don't go as planned but in the end you get to hold your beautifu baby:) good luck to you. Hope you have a smooth delivery.
It's normal to be nervous and a little scared. I am too, especially when I think I might be following in your footsteps soon. They'll take good care of you, though, and you'll be holding your little one soon! :-)
@Ourlittlenugget Aww well I hope u don't go as long as I am! Our babys just love us too much the want to stay atached to us;)
O and heres my little update my doctor is going to have me induced tom at 5:30am, for the fact that she is not droping like she should and that I'm not dialating like I should either so in other words he said it was my choice but from his expirience I was going to have to be induced anyway. I have to say thou I'm scared now of the whole process of labor and I know its too late know but I can't help feeling this way, I walked out crying and to top it off my hubby is the same way he is too nervous and I'm just all confused and nervous now... Have any of you ladies felt this way especially