PP question....

Ok so I am 4wks pp. If hubby and I had sex last tues or wed... When I go to the dr on halloween, for my 6wk check, would a preg show positive... I was... Or would it be too early?


  • It might be to early hard to say we're you trying to get pregnant again?
  • I think it might be a little early but it depends on how fast your hormones increase..
  • This is one of those...if it happens its ok things. We aren't doing anything to stop it from happening. It took 5yrs to get my lil girl and I dont want to wait another 5yrs. BC messed my body up big time when I was younger so I am not going back on it again til we are done having kids. I would love to have them close together though... it just took so long to get thr first one, I want to try while things are in my favor. I am already 32. Thanks ladies.
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