Water Birth & Birthing Centre.

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
Just wondering if any ladies have had a water birth at a birthing centre? Im thinkin about having a water birth at a birthing centre 45mins away, just wondering whether its worth the trip or not.


  • Not much help to you... Im planning on labouring in the tub but my hospitals birthing centre currently isnt allowed to do water births so will have to get out when I get to the end. I used the shower with my first birth and it was great to have the heat
  • I did! It was great! I labored out of the tub until 7 cm then went in after that. The water helped me relax. This was my first but I felt that the water made everything softer for baby to come out without tears. I would definitely recommend it. My birth center was not at a hospital however- its operated by a midwife. No pain medication is administered during labor.
  • I started off in the tub, it was so nice but got out to have pethidine. I would recomend it though its real relaxing!
  • I wish my hospital did them I want one so bad
  • @mom2be the birthing centre i wanna go to isnt at a hospital, its ran by mid-wives, the only pain meds they give yuu is the gas (:
  • Awesome!!Hope u get to experience a water birth!
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