baby soon?

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
I went in cos couldn't feel babe too well and was getting constant contractions every 7. Mins. They checked me and said i was dilated to 1cm and very soft like ear lobe soft? This was Tuesday night, i had also lost alot of plug before and since check lost loads more. I have severe poly- excess fluid and they said on Tuesday that they thought i was in labour and said baby would be here in days not weeks, i am 37+1 i keep cramping but nothing developing, any ideas? When i walk it feels like he gonna fall out and he is fully engaged but when i sit not alot seems to happen?


  • BUMP anyone think i am close? just timing contractions again, about 7 mins apart still, very mild cramping constantly and inner thighs killing me!!
  • U could be close? Sorry I'm no help because my labors were diff...i had no idea they were coming lol
  • Same here mine were 7 mins apart but when I got there they were 2-3 mins apart..but got sent home cause my cervix wasn't making any change
  • I was getting cramps like that I ate kiwi and got in the tub and I went from a 3 to a 5!
  • Mine was 7 mins apart only lasting about 40secs though then when I'd got there was on monitor and comin anything between 2-7 mins apart still not lasting long though, how long are yours lasting? x
  • Seem like they are continuous unless i really. Concentrate, think they are roughly a minute but just blur into one giant one! Got scan in morning so will see what they say. Thought baby was lo before, now i really know what low means! Lol
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