Someone help please!!! im losing it.

I need to vent and some encourageing words would be nice. First of four week old son,never seems happy,always crying and fussing. Hell fall asleep ,ill go to put him in his crib ,and he wakes up screaming. I hold him,rock him bounce him,Burp him. Nothing worked,and this is 24/7. Second,I had a c section,and I'm four weeks pp,and dealing with inflamation that I'm on medication for,and I'm still so sore. Third,I'm developing mastitus I beliEve. My right boob is red,extremely site,and I have a 100.3 fever,so I feel miserable. And not to mention the sleep deprivation all us new moms are dealing with. My husband doesn't help at all,he works all day but at least some help in the evenings would be nice. I feel like my life will feel this crappy forever. I pray to god with tears in my eyes to help me get through this. Anything encourageing/advice would be nice.


  • Talk to your Ped about him being colic
    Kind of sounds like it to me. Call your Dr about the mastitis especially since you have a fever... baby blues are normal but still talk to your Dr about how you feel. He may br able to give you something.
  • It does get better I promise. After babys been cleaned and fed, but him in the crib close the door and walk away. Crying won't hurt him, and just take five or ten minutes for yourself. With the crying I understand. My daughter was like that around a month. Tricks to try are..
    Vacuming with him
    Put a car seat or bassinet on a running dryer
    Go for a car ride
    Rock him side to side belly down
    Bouncing on a bed
    Going for a walk
    Gripe water

    Hang in there. I have no doubt you can do it!!!
  • Sweetie I am so sorry. Please go get checked, the mastisis is no joke. I know it is hard right now, but please hang on, it will get better, it might not seem like it now, but especially recovering from C-section, I know you do jot have it easy. Is there anyone who can help you even for an hour a day? Family or friends?
  • AAnd get your boob checked for sure!
  • @jellybelly1015 my mom usually could but she's out of town right now.
  • That sucks, will she be back soon? Natashalynn has some good ideas that have worked for fussy babies I've known in the past. And she is absolutely right, the crying will not hurt and it will make you a better mommy to keep your sanity!!!
  • @jellybelly1015 shell be back in a few data. I'll try those ideas,I hope something works.
  • Keep posting, talking to people helps!!! I'm on every few hours and will respond. My hubby is about to go back to work and I'm scared to not have help anymore, it us hard with help, but going alone without help with fussy baby is not good for your sanity!
    Please least call doctor, don't put yourself last because nothing good can come of that!
  • @jellybelly1015 thank u so much for caring. I'll keep posting hopefully it gets better soon. And i will call my doc tomorrow.
  • Aw you poor thing! :( does your son like baths? No matter how cranky my daughter is, she perks right up when I put her in the bath. It will get better!! My daughter started doing the same thing around 6 wks, and at 11wks I can tell she's getting better as her attention span matures. It's been a long month, and there have been times I literally almost ripped my hair out (sounds crazy I know lol), but it will get better and what helps me is reminding myself that she's just a baby, and this new world is still a little scary to her. My bf does help me but I'm definitely the main caregiver. But it just makes me happy knowing she'll always want mommy cuz mommy makes it all better :) and the best thing you can do for your son is take care of yourself, so please get yourself well. He may be feeding off of your misery. Good luck hun.
  • Keep praying it will get better
  • Im sorry I'm going through it too. My son is the best baby ever! He rarely cries but I have anxiety to the max.
  • I hope everything gets better for you, over thing that may help is anti depressants. I just went back on my Wellbutrin. It helps to deal with the stress& even out emotions. Just makes things a little easier. Everyone else had great advice with done of the other issues.
  • Glad to hear you will call. I'm hoping it is just engorgement! Hope it is a semi quiet night, and if not, just remember what starrxoxo9 said is true, Mommy makes it better. So even of it seems the crying won't stop, your being there for him I.stills trust and confidence for a lifetime. :)
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