the difference between an epidural and spinal block

edited October 2011 in Giving birth
Just thought I'd share this in case anyone was wondering.

The procedure for an epidural and spinal block is approximately the same, but generally an epidural catheter is left in your back, so that you can get a constant infusion of numbing medication for as long as your labor lasts, whereas a spinal is just one shot of medication. They might use a spinal when they know how long you need to be numb. For example, if you were to have a c-section or if you are very close to delivering, and they know you only need to be numb for an hour or so before you deliver. Spinals will make you numb (like when you have dental work done) so that you may not feel anything, whereas with epidurals you MAY feel something (for example, pressure), but not pain if it is working right.

Add your experiences and any other thoughts :)


  • edited October 2011
    I had an epidural with my first. It only covered my right side and not my left. They tried giving me additional medicine to see if that would help, but it didn't. They tried to reposition the epidural and that didn't work. I did end up getting Nubain; which did not help tremendously, but did take the edge off. I ended up with a my opinion labor slowed down once I got the epidural. I had a spinal block with my c-section and it worked fantastic! I didn't feel anything. I did have a common reaction of intense itching and they gave me some nubain which helped with it.

    Both the spinal and epidural were uncomfortable when placed. The most discomfort came from the initial pressure of the flushes and medicine being introduced, after that...I didnt even notice anything.
  • I had an epidural. I loved it. Getting it inserted hurt but no worse than contractions. I felt pressure and the baby coming out but there was no pain. I did have a sore spot once it was removed but that went away before I left the hospital. I plan on trying to go natural for this baby but if it gets to bad I will get another epidural.
  • I had an epidural with ny first and the feeling of relief was amazing- I had been in labour 34 hours to that point!! All worked well and was topped up for my c section an hour later. I had a spinal for my hip replacement and worked in much the same way, went in very easily and wore off pretty quickly after op. Couldn't fault either!
  • I had a spinal for my c section. They tried to induce me but I got stuck at 4cm for 9.5hrs. They stopped the pitocin but I was having such bad contractions from it they were still really bad. I had to stop the dr like 3 times before he could do the spinal, cause I didnt want to move. They finally did it..and I didnt feel anymore contractions. I didnt feel any of my csection... No pressure when they pulled her out or anything. I was numb from right under my boobs down for I would say 3 hrs or so.
  • I like this thread. Thanks for posting. Would love to hear more peoples opinions. I had an epidural with my first c section and wound up being put to sleep due to pain. Think im getting a spinal this time. It lifted my spirits to hear some of you thought it was better. Im concerned about itching, and is there something about it causing headaches?
  • It can cause a headache... I didnt have one though. I have had no problems after mine. I am almost 5wks pp
  • I had an epidural. I was so terrified it was going to hurt do bad, but it didn't hurt. During labor all I felt was pressure. My right leg was numb for over a month though. At my check up I asked my doctor about it amd he said it was normal. My back hurts from time to time, but I'm not going to say its all from the epidural.
  • edited October 2011
    @vtmamajuju Yes, any type of spinal puncture can cause a spinal headache. For example, a spinal tap; epidural; or spinal block can cause them. There is a 30% chance of getting one following these procedures and they usually resolve on their own with 24 hours, but sometimes they require treatment. They are typically seen within the first couple days following the procedure. The headache is caused by cerebrospinal fluid leaking out of the puncture site.

    I did not get one, but two of my friends got one following an epidural. There's really no way to know if you will get one, but having an epidural or spinal block will put you at risk for one.
  • @vtmamajuju ...and the itching is pretty awful, but once you get some meds to treat it, it will go away. It's only temporary. I think mine lasted for about a half hour before the meds kicked in and stopped it.
  • @DreaMaria Very informative! Thank you.
  • Iv had both and I found the epidural didnt hurt at all but the spinal was awful but that could of been because I was already in pain before I had the epidural. I had no side effects with the epidural but the spinal made me have an itchy face and low blood pressure but no lasting damage thank god!
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