Help baby wont take a paci!
She wont take it she gags no matter which one. I have the tommie tippie and the kind from hospital she just wont take it.... She wants to nurse all night just for soothing.
What can I do?
What can I do?
When they're happy and full... Tease them with it. Put it in their mouth and pull it out and make faces to get them to laugh. Keep doing it. Eventually they'll suck a little to play back... Buy keep pulling it out. Don't force them to suck long periods yet.
Play this a few times a day for a week. At the end of the week they take it.
Here's a link to a picture of them.
<a href=¤t=2011-10-21_16-44-52_808.jpg
They cost me $3.88 for a 2pk. Its not too expensive and its worth a shot if you haven't tried them.