soooo who has had or is having real contractions but problems dialating? (and is past 37 weeks)

edited October 2011 in Labor
ive been to l & d three times in the past two weeks, the monitor was picking up my REAL, PAINFUL, contractions, but my cervix wasnt dialating any of the times, i am so frustrated, im in real labor but its not dialating me and im always sore and in pain, im due tommorrow, so i am trying to figure out what induction route i want to take, i have had a very healthy pregnancy, and i was thinking that since ive been doiing kegels faithfully for two years before i got pregnant, that thats why my cervix wont dialate, bc im unconciously squeezing it closed in pain during every contraction. as a reflex. has anyone else in this situation done kegels before they got pregnant? i havent ahd a single accident bladder related since ive been pregnant, not even close....

also, i was wondering what types of induction you ladies used, what worked great for you and what to avoid for health reasons or to avoid a c section?


  • ya me.. lol..
  • edited October 2011
    Me too! I'm 38+6, scheduled for my second csection on Tuesday and at my OB appt on Wed I was not dilated and only 50% effaced :(
  • @lae3 ... girl i know you feel my pain. have u been checked lately? and @dreamaria i am 1 and a half cm 80 effaced... but a different nurse checked me so i could be 2 cm... who knows. my doc doesnt get back from her fucking vacation till thursday so thats why i have to freaking wait till then, and hope that if i go into labor i get the only midwife on call at my hospital. i would LOVE to ahve a midwife deliver my baby :)
  • @kdaniels isn't it frustrating?! How far along are you? I should have added that my OB agreed to let me try a VBAC if I went into labor on my own before my c-section date. Labor is looking pretty unlikely for me since I'm not progressing. I have tons of false labor, but it's doing nothing to my is so depressing.
  • @dreamaria, im due tommorrow. lol. somehow i dont think baby is ready to come out tommorrow. but we will see right? stranger things have happened, my nurses keep saying, " you have such a healthy baby in there, but he or she seems like a stubborn lkittle button pusher already." yeeeeppp. lol and hun, im so sorry. that sucks. they scared me yesterday, bc they thought my baby was breech and were talking c section. then i got an u/s and my babys just so big its balled up completely and the 'head' is actually its feet, and the 'butt' is actually knees and hands. i hope u can find somethign so help you progress!
  • I'll be 38 weeks on Monday and have been having regular labor contractions. Can't seem to dilate past 2 and my cervix is only 50% effaced. Because I'm not 40 weeks they refuse to do anything to help me. Can't sleep and they feel more comfortable pumping me full of morphine, Vicodin, and sleeping pills than inducing. I'm so frustrated! I hope it works out for u, is this your first?
  • me me me! im stuck on this pregnancy roller coaster your doing bettet then me im still high thick & at a 1 >:[ due in 2 days
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  • No check for me
  • Im having that problem now. Got to 4cm over the course of a week. Now having really bad contractions but they wont regulate or dilate me. So i got sleeping pills and sent home.
  • @nmartinez79, yea its my first, i was where u are now when i was 38 weeks too its frustrating!!! and my nurses, (thank god) havent suggested doign anythign drastic yet, in fact the nurse i chose, has had twins, and she doesnt want me to get my water broken till im at least 8 cm, bc she todl me and i had no idea, that it provides a lot more cushion for the baby while going thru labor.

    @moodymommie oh man :( well im sending some dilation dust your way!

    @homebirthadvocate i am so glad to get your advice as well. i noticed that wehn i concentrated on relaxing my lower body, my contractions started to go awway, but i was determined to open my cervix, bc i had heard that visualization might help so i sat there concentrating on breathing, and the word open and imagining my cervix openning, and i think it effaced me further. i will continue to do that, and the excersizes youve mentioned, thank you so much! (although i might have an issue doign the pelvic tilts, bc my hubby will jsut come over and try to seduce me bc he sees my butt in the air lol) the babys head is so far down that when they had to do an u/s bc they thought baby was breech, they coudlnt get a good pic of the face. they baby is head down, but moves constantly. when they took a peek, the body was on the right side of my uterus, the whole entire side, and the feet and legs and arms and hands were all balled up in my left side. its a very long babay its looking like, i hope my pelvis is big enough for those shoulders....

    @lae3 really ??? do they plan on chekcing you?

    @thetrondsons1st omgosh. :( thats horrible. my nurses were telling me i could take benadril, and i said id rather not bc iam afraid of lowering the babys heartrate and causing me to have a c section due to fetal distress. im just praying my body will do what it needs to. i hope yours [progresses soon hun!!!
  • Yeah they gave me ambien. Now i just feel like i have the flu. Everything hurts. I just want my baby. :(
  • Girl don't feel bad my water broke and was contracting but not enough to make me dilate so after 13 hours they had to induce me.
  • Ive been in early labor as my doc keeps sayin for 3 days I feel like ive been hit by a bus! They sent me home with unisom to help me sleep and im dialted at 1.5 and stuck :( frustrated doesnt even describe it lol
  • I was in active labor for 3 weeks!!!! Contractions every 2-6 min No dialation but I had a great planned c section wayyy better than an induction that turned into a.emergency c section with my son I don't dialate
  • They dont check till im in l&d in labor it sucks!
  • @lae3 i thought i was the only one! My doc hasnt and wont check me till im ready go deliver and i dnt even kno how big my lil man is.. sucks
  • Me either and my last son was nearly 9lbs im hoping this lil giy doesnt exceed that weight.. @Mommy2b1111
  • I did ended in c section
  • I have 12 days left till dd..went to l&d cuz I hadn't felt her for5-6 hours despite eating and drinking(had had a couple contractions but nothing serious) they hooked me up and I had a ton, my cervix was closed and they said they were due to a uti.
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