my birth story (super long)

edited October 2011 in Labor
After 37weeks and 3 days Robert (Robby) Daniel Castaner was born on Thursday October 13th at 10:51pm. Weighing 7lbs10oz and 20inches long

I started having irregular contrations on Monday the 10th. They would come pretty regulations for a couple hours and then just stop! On Tuesday morning we had a growth scan and he was measuring 7lbs11oz which they said was about two weeks ahead. (Previously he had been measuring 3 weeks ahead) I had contractions all that morning and afternoon but come night time they stopped!! Ugh so that night we had sex in hopes that it would speed things up. I went to the bathroom afterward and there was a toliet full of blood and blood clots! Boy was I freaking out. The bleeding stopped and the next day was my Dr apt so I figured I would talk to her about it then.
So on wed the Dr checked me and was like " well no wonder why Ur hurting ur 4 centimeters!!" We went and ate Mexican that night and I walked and walked but once again contractions stopped however I was having constant pain in my lower back.
So on Thursday morning I woke around 545 am with much more intense contractions that kept coming. I called my husband who had been working a 24hr shift and was like get home now!!! It's time! Get to the hospital at 8 and was 6 centimeters! I sure thought this was going to be over w quick...wrong. come 3pm I somehow managed to go back to 5 centimeters. I decided at that point to get the epidural! (What a life saver)
They then started me on pitocin to speed things up. Come 6 pm nothing had changed so they broke my water and cranked up the pitocin. Within a hour I was 9cm and a hour later at 8 it was time to push!
Wellllll it took 2hrs51mins to push that lil guy out! My bp kept dropping his kept rising and my temp spiked. At 2 hrs they started talking csec but I so badly didn't want that. So Dr gave my a lil more time and he came. I tore so bad on the upper inside of my vagina wall that it took a hour to sew me up (which I thought would hurt but I never felt it) then had some cosmetic work done bc they said my labia was "shredded".
Well we ended up having to stay five days in the hospital bc robbys billirubin was too high and he had to do the phototherapy and I could not pee! Finally on Tuesday I peed so they let me come home. It was by far the worst/best experience if my life!!!


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