Feeling guilty?

edited October 2011 in Second pregnancy
My first son had brand new everything from clothes to crib (which was a 1200 dollar one) brand new stroller carseat everything....and this lil guy is gonna have everything used even his carseat and crib :( I feel guilty like its not fair that landen got new stuff and liam doesnt...we just cant afford new stuff this time ... Is that a normal feeling? Do any other mamas feel that way?


  • My first got all new things, but this one is using the same crib and most of his clothes are handed down from my first son. This one did get a new travel system because my mother bought it. I really don't feel bad. My first son is 3 and doesn't use the crib anymore
  • just rmember you bought it new for your family-not for your first. I bought big items w/the plan that all my kids would use them (playpens,crib,stroller,etc). dont feel bad, your kiddos wont care. :)
  • Don't feel guilty. I have 5 boys and some of the clothes that my 5th son is wearing are clothes that my 1st son wore 10 years ago. Everything is hand me downs. Saves a ton of money and really they don't care what they are wearing. Lol.
  • Don't feel bad, I wish I had some hand me downs but I was having a girl & everyone in my family had boys before me...look at it dis way, when ur baby gets 10 or 15 is your son gonna say "mama did u get me new or used stuff as a baby" lol!
  • My first got new and my second did too because my first is 11 yrs old
  • I'm the same as @cicelia we got new big items for all our kids to use. My first got new pack n play and everything else was used! With my daughter (5yrs later) we bought new crib, carseat, swing, bassinet.. and our next baby is gonna use these things to we bought gender neutral too! Girl I'm cheap! And broke lol
  • Thanks ladies that makes me feel better :)
  • My son got all his cousins clothes and car seat and stroller I really didn't have to buy anything there only 10 months apart!
  • I got all my nieces ppd clothes and some I bought for her hand me downs save money :)
  • I bought good quality for my son because I knew I would have another baby. The things you buy when they are super little hardly even look used because they grow so fast. Im having a girl this time but all gender neutral clothes for my son are going to be used and I have been given alot or second hand clothes too. I have bought things that I really wanted but had to keep it to our budget as we are really strapped for cash right now. I dont see the point in buying the big stuff again if you already have good quality things from your first
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  • @ashleyfew haha I lmao at that
  • Yes, a lot of my daughters stuff was her older sisters (my fiancees daughter not mine) an where she is my first I wanted all new stuff but it wasn't worth it. I actually broke down in tears to my mum about it because I felt a bit cheated but she just told me if I see an outfit I want for the baby to just get it, if I see a toy I want her to have just get it because I need Hope to feel special and don't want to resent my step daughter!
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