induction on the 26th

edited October 2011 in Labor
I am a ftm and my induction date is now the 26th...I'm very nervous that it is only 3 days away...I know there are a lot of posts about this but can anyone give me any tips or anything...I am literally having the worst anxiety over this! Thanks and good luck to the rest of the October moms :)


  • Do you know what they'll start you off with for the induction? :)
  • I am already 3 cms and 70 percent effaced so she said she will start me off with breaking my water if I have progressed any more...she also said I can opt for the epi before we do anything...idk if I should do that or not...I mean I'm not trying to be miss bravery but I just don't know if it would be to early to get it
  • If they give you pitocin get drugs! They can minister you more through labor but I suggest get it once the pain starts getting somewhat really painful. They should tell you if the anitheiologist is near and how long of a wait you have but if you are that dilated then you may go fast and you better get that epi before it gets to painful. Good luck and I wish you a smooth labor and delivery. I had my baby on April 26 and 26 is a good number:)
  • sorry i have no tips because i have never been induced...but good luck! :)
  • The epidural is amazing. Especially if like mentioned they give you pitocin. :) Id also eat a good meal before going in. You may get nauseous but starving after 12 hours or more when you have to push for an hour is worse!!!! Also prepare yourself for a Marathon. It could be quick like 7 hours or long 15 hours or more. You'll do great!!
  • You will be nervous but the feeling of knowing in just a shperson time you will meet your baby is a crazy feeling. Once they get you started all the nerves will go cause for some odd reason it becomes very natural to you. Time will fly fast if you don't watch the clock. It did for me but I didn't have drugs. You will do great I promise. When u push don't push from your head it gives you a head ache. Eat a lot before your cut off time. I'm excited for you:) it's fun being induced.
  • I wouldn't say induction is fun...but it's not terrible. I wasn't nervous at all except when my son's hr dropped to fact I cried which didn't help the situation lol but it popped right back up after they moved me around. Little booger grabbed his cord. Lol my advice is to make sure if you have nothing against having drugs that you get an epi or at least IV meds if they're giving you pitocin. My water broke on its own the day of induction so idk how that feels to have it broken. They started the pitocin 6 hours after my water broke. The contractions for me came quickly (within an hour) and they were one on top of the other and VERY strong. I didn't have any time to recuperate before the next one hit, and my dr wouldn't order the epi til I was in active labor (4cm) which was 4 hours after the pit was started. Once I got the epi I went from 4-10 in an hour and didn't have the urge to push (which it felt like I had to poop) til 2 hrs after that. Def don't push with your head/neck (once you're pushing you'll get what that means cuz I didn't know what that meant til I was pushing) and listen to the nurse on how to push especially if you've had an epi. I only pushed for 45 mins which I think is on the short side for having an epidural and being a ftm. You'll do great whichever way you go (natural or not) like @proudmomma said it comes naturally and the time does go by quickly...and it will all be a distant memory once you see and hold your baby!
  • Thanks everyone for all the advice...I started having contractions this morning pretty close together so my Dr had me come in...I'm 4 cms but she is sending me home...she thinks I will be back tonight or tomorrow...hopefully I will go into labor on my own...awesome thing she told me is that there are 5 ppl on that can give me the epi so hopefully not a long wait for that...I can't wait to meet my little man! This has been a very interesting 40 weeks for sure!
  • I was induced on the 11th, with my second. My first was a natural delivery. in my opinion being induced is way easier then going natural! With my first (my daughter) my water broke at 345 am, and I had her at 110 pm. I had 3 epis and none of them stuck. With my second (my son) and being induced I got the the hospital on columbus day at 8 pm. They let me sleep til the next morning at 6am. Started me on pitocin, and at 63am0 broke my water. I got an epi right after because contractions were coming hard. I had my son at 1015 am. I had a button for more epi medicine in case it started wearing off, and as soon as I hit 9 1/2, I pushed it. I laughed while delivering my son because I couldn't wiggle my toes or feel anything. My dr said I made his day because I was the funniest patient he's had in a while lol.
  • I was induced on the 11th, with my second. My first was a natural delivery. in my opinion being induced is way easier then going natural! With my first (my daughter) my water broke at 345 am, and I had her at 110 pm. I had 3 epis and none of them stuck. With my second (my son) and being induced I got the the hospital on columbus day at 8 pm. They let me sleep til the next morning at 6am. Started me on pitocin, and at 63am0 broke my water. I got an epi right after because contractions were coming hard. I had my son at 1015 am. I had a button for more epi medicine in case it started wearing off, and as soon as I hit 9 1/2, I pushed it. I laughed while delivering my son because I couldn't wiggle my toes or feel anything. My dr said I made his day because I was the funniest patient he's had in a while lol.
  • Sorry for the double posting my phone is stupid!
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