my birth story **pics included**

edited October 2011 in Giving birth
On Friday I had a drs appt I was 38+3 I was dialated 2-3 and got my membranes stripped. I instantly got cramping. I cramped all day long. That night at 6pm I went to the homecoming football game at my sisters high-school. At around 730pm I started having contractions about 6 mins apart lasting 30 seconds. By half time I had to leave cause I was uncomfortable sitting on the bleachers. I got home around 830 and took a warm bath which did not help. My contractions got to be 4-5 mins apart lasting 45 seconds at about 1030. I called L& the rudest nurse who told me that I'm just a FTM so I don't know the difference between BH and real labor! So I started walking and drinking water n my contractions got to be 2-3 mins apart lasting almost a minute. I called back n they told me to come in. I got there at about midnight. I get all hooked up and I was doing good. I got dialated to a 4 almost 5 when I decided to get my epidural. Almost instantly took my pain away and finally got some sleep! I got checked again at about 8am and was only dialated to a 5-6 and my baby's heart rate kept dropping every time I had a contraction. My blood pressure dropped really low and my heart rate went really high. The on call Dr comes in and tells me we need to do an emergency c-section. I was so scared! I go in and have my mom and my boyfriend got to be there! My beautiful baby girl was born at 9am weighting 6lbs 9oz 18 1/2 inches long. She is perfect! The dr said my uterus was too small and she didn't have enough room to grow so she wasn't getting enough oxygen. We got her out in time and everything is perfectly fine. No NICU or anything!



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