Best advice for new moms..

edited October 2011 in Parenting
I would say.. Don't try to rush the baby phase, they will be walking and talking before you know it and you'll wish they were babies again.. I would also say the best advice I got would be to get your baby use to going to sleep awake, it makes nights ten times easier.. I feed my 3 month old his nightly bottle and put him in his crib and he puts himself to sleep.


  • Did he always do that? Or did he cry first?
  • There was 1 night that he cried and it was only for about a minute..
  • So he naturally puts himself to sleep...grrr my son doesnt do that. But I guess its still early, he will be 6 wks Thursday. Maybe later,.hopefully!
  • Jace was 6 weeks when he started sleeping through the night, he goes to bed about 8pm and he wakes up about 8am.. Since he started sleeping through the night he hasn't gotten up once. I definately lucked out with a great sleeping baby <3
  • Im jealous! You sure did!
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