how to leave her?

edited October 2011 in Ages & Stages
I have 2 older kids, so I have been through this before. I always go through a terrible time trying to leave my kids for ANY thing. If I am not right by their side it freaks me out. I had PPD with my older two, but I am normal this time around, thank goodness.... Sophia will be 6 wks this Wednesday. Next Tuesday I will be starting my cycling class at the gym. The gym has a sitter center, where we can leave our kids up to 8 yrs old so they will be watching her for the 35 minutes that i have the class. I would like to get back to my weight lifting/ strength building as well. So we are talking about 1 hr. The sad part is that I am scared to death of leaving her. They are great people, I have known the director of the center for 7 years and love her to death. I am breastfeeding, so I already talked to her and she will page me if she gets hungry. I just don't know how to make it easier on us to be apart. I know it's probably a lot more of MY nerves, and she will be fine. But to be honest she really only allows other people to be with her for a few minutes- even daddy.
I know it's all in my head, but I keep thinking *oh she is going to get so sad and so upset and will cry the entire time!* *sigh* someone help me out!


  • BUMP! I feel the same way! Im the only one who can console my son & always wants to be held. I dont feel right leaving him.
  • Mommies, sometimes we gotta do the hard stuff! Do you ever leave them to shower? It's a first step. Let them learn others can console & cuddle too. I'm sure daddy would love to bond a bit. I know it's hard & it sucks, but it's good for both of you (mommy & baby). Lots of hugs.
  • Yea but a shower, while with daddy is fine. Im thinking more like leaving him with my mil while hubby & I go to a movie...yea im gonna have to let go eventually.
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