hard time breast feeding

edited October 2011 in Breastfeeding
I need help. How do I get him to latch right. He sucks and he gets food out. Not a lot but a little. I just had him Saturday but my nipples are cracking and bleeding and it hurts so bad. He sucks on just the nipple I can't get him to open his mouth wide enough. I've given him a little formula because he is not getting enough. :( what do I do? I want to breastfeed but feeling so discouraged.


  • There is some nipple cream you can get, as for the rest I don't know bc I haven't had my baby yet. BUMP
  • Have you tried a nipple shield?
  • Took me three weeks to get my baby girl to start to latch right, but she was tongue toed first week. Get him checked for that bc latching on just the nipple is a sign. Then, you have to kind of keep working w Lo to get them to correct their latch, and it takes some time but can be done. I worked w a lactation specialist at doctors, and everytime had to real seal (much) and fix.
  • To help your nipples leave some milk on them, it helps soothe them and heals them faster. I'm not sure how to get his mouth open wider, but if you can, just stuff as much of your nipple in his mouth as you can and he will latch on (hopefully) lol it works for me when my son fetus fussy when he isn't wanting to latch
  • Does your hospital have a lactation consultant? I know that mine did, I just had to ask the Labor and Delivery nurses for her information. You can also try searching youTube for helpful videos. Sending some good vibes your way!
  • Gets* lol not fetus
  • edited October 2011
    Oh! And I had her on expressed milk and formula bottle fed till milk came in, then just pumped milk (pumped to make sure didn't dry up). I had to transition w a nipple shield bc she had nipple confusion.
  • Also, my LO had a hard time at first I think because my nipples were to big for his small mouth. I got really discouraged so decided to lay off the BF for a week or so and just pump. Well after a few weeks I tried it again and he latched perfectly like he had never had a problem! Just try to stay positive!
  • @sunshinelove oh yeah I learned at wic if you or your baby have any sores or pink eye you just put breast milk on it to help, odd but its true :D
  • @teeniemommy its cuz it has stem cells in it! rub it on your own scabs too and they heal faster! Its like freaking miracle liquid!
  • Thanks ladies. I've tried a nipple shield and it helped so much the first time and now its not a lot. The nurses said I was doing fine then before we left my last nurse said it was wrong the lactation consultant had already left when we got discharged. I called today but they were closed. It doesn't help my bf thinks I am starving him and it stresses me out. Can I pump the colostrum? I just got cream too so I'm using it now. How long till my milk comes in?
  • Usually about five days. I pumped construe and fed her that with no issue. Definitely do that!!!
  • Ok I will try that tonight. I don't wanna dry up when I give him formula. Also how often should I feed him? He will sleep like 4 hours straight then wake up but he is super hungry when he does. Should I be waking him up
  • edited October 2011
    Is he Janice? Mine was and would sleep and not eat. Wake him up and get him to eat, should be no more than every two- three hours (what my Dr told me) we found cold air and wet wipes on tummy worked to wake her.
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  • Yes he is jaundice we just got back from hospital getting levels checked again and have to go tomorrow again. Ill start waking him up.
    @ashleyfew I was worried bout nipple confusion and the nurse told me he would be fine. Grrrr.

    I just feel so tired and defeated.
  • Don't give up, I call the first three weeks w Rileigh my hell weeks. Nurses told me same thing :( also, keep offering boob, and pump. Pumping does not diminish supply, I am actually getting 6-8 ozs when I pump. I think I am @ oversupply, but I know she is getting enough when she feeds, I freeze rest and am looking into donating now.
  • There are lots of videos online.. Correct latch wen hes getting latched and ur bringing him to the breast dont allow him to untill he opens his mouth wide then bring him to the niple if the latch is incorect stick ur finger in the cornr of his mouth to have an easy removal amd try again
  • (I hope Im explaining this ok) I was told to cup the bottom of my breast and squeeze from the top to flatten the grasping area. Then feed the nipple and areola to the baby. Break the latch if baby grabs just nipple and try again. We had to swaddle my son because he is a arm swinger and would get in the way. You can pump colostrum, I did when my son was in the NICU and they would feed a bit through a little tube while I had him latched on so he knew to suck.
  • Thank you so much. You ladies give me faith. I cried so much today thinking I can't do this but even though my bf says just give him bottle I don't want to and it frustrates me to give him one. I tried again tonight and we did a little better I just have to try to get him to get the areola as well as nipple. @2ndbutfirst that's cute I need to come up with one for Brody. He is also a wiggler.

    How do I know when he is just using my nipple as a sucker? I think that was part of the problem in the beginning and how my breasts got so sore.
  • Are you doing complete skin on skin? I had problems the first few days and the LC told me to do that every time because it stimulates hormones and he hasn't had a problem since!
  • Oh thank you I will try that. @stbmilitarybrat.
    @sunshinelove I knew what you meant when you wrote fetus lol my phone does that all the time.
  • It is amazing how much you forget!!! @stmilitarybrat is spot on w the skin to skin!!! Glad to hear you had some better experience tonight!! My hubby got super frustrated our 1st night and made her a bottle of formula, it was the only all formula bottles has ever had and I was pissed. I cried for the next week swearing I should give up, but I am so glad I didn't! It gets easier, if you can be patient (like mommies can and guys don't understand) I thinly you will do great. Just remember, the doubts won't last, but this bfing and bonding will!!!
  • You can do it mama. Its ok to cry and get frustrated--you wouldnt if you didnt care. I promise it gets better.
  • I had the same issue n I toughed it out. Now I'm on week 2 of bf n its so much easier n doesn't hurt..you can do it!
  • Thank you everyone for your advice I got a nipple shield to help with his latching and I'm using the cream like crazy. He is doing so much better and so am I. I just hope the pain stops soon.
  • your doing a great job!! and dont give in to the formula again. it will mess things up. when he gets a little bigger you need to wean him from the shield. cause my friends kid didnt want anythign to do with the bare breast after months of using it. good luck mama
  • Agree w above!!! Midway through feeding, after like a day or so, try booming him with shield off. If that doesn't work after day or so, during a feeding when chance presents itself, slip it off when he falls off and is about to go back for more. Soon he won't want it. That is how we were told by LC and it worked! Good luck!!!
  • Ok. Thank you. After I fed him tonight with the shield about an hour later he had hiccups so I thought I would give him a little milk to help he didn't even use the shield and he fed off both boobs without it. I was so happy lol. It didn't hurt either. I love pregly you guys are an awesome support team lol. :)
  • don't give up, it was really hard for me for the first month. he didn't latch properly for the whole month and i thought he never would but he did learn. you just have to endure very painful nipples and a lot of frustrating attempts and eventually it'll work for you :)
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