could he be teething?

edited October 2011 in Ages & Stages
He's going to be 2 mths. He wants to constantly suck on everything and is fussy sometimes for no reason. I feel like you can feel the bumps of teeth and looks like it. He also hasn't been sleeping a lot lately either.


  • My daughter was like that at about 2 months and her doctor told me me between about 2-4 months their teeth start to shift under their gums and it hurts just the same as their teeth coming through. He told me if it seems like its bothering her to try some tylenol
  • Thanks for asking this I was wondering too bc my 2 month old is acting the same way!! Her outfits are soaked with drool and she's constantly chewing on her fist and fingers and she's been very fussy as well
  • @lily_glz that's how Juliana on is. She is 5.5 months now and still doing it but no teeth yet.
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