ways to save $

edited October 2011 in Just for Fun
So I'm all for saving a buck where ever we can, especially since were now a 1 income 3 people home! Wanted to share some ideas I use that work :) feel free to add to the list and let the savings begin!
- I buy store brand food and cleaning produts. They work the same and cost less then the ones in fancy bottles.
-I am not crazy about coupons cause they get lost or expire but if you call companies like pampers, huggies and playtex, they can add you to there coupon mailing list. Heck I called huggies and asked them for some coupons and they sent a total of 23$ worth just off the get go! Totally worth the 5 min call!
-shop at thrift stores for clothes. I wear almost all old navy stuff cause it fits my curvey body well but pay like 3$ for jeans. They still look good and I can get several pairs for the cost of 1. Plus shauns shirts get torn up at work so why buy new just to destroy it in 3 months lol? Now he can look good too :)
Out of time..Lilly woke up and has decided she's starving lol. Peace preglies, happy saving!


  • cloth diapers!! might sound expensive to start but you can resale your diapers for almost what you paid for!

    i second the thrift store!!

    shop around online!! lots of store do free shipping to the store! and prices are cheaper online sometimes!

  • I'm doing all the online surveys at the bottom of receipts!
  • If you shop online, ALWAYS check RetailMeNot.com and FatWallet.com first. I have found some excellent deals and free shipping codes at tons of websites.

    It's so true when you say store brands are a lot like name brands. If you check the ingredients/contents they are usually the same! Also when name brands go on sale I stock up like crazy, like I got Tony's pizza on sale - 4 large pizzas for $10!

    If you have to shop for convenience, like Walgreens or CVS where everything is overpriced, visit KrazyCouponLady.com for coupons first, then take them in and get some great deals!

    I cut my utilities bill in half by turning off the thermostat when I'm gone and turning it a few degrees higher at night when I sleep with a fan.

    We signed up for our credit card's cash back program. When we reach $300 cash back they will give us $75 for free. Those are good programs to take advantage of if you can pay your CC bill off every month.
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