Ppd :( oh how my life aches

Bleh! I feel the need to just sit and cry. I feel like just giving up.on life for a few days but I cannot cuz my little man needs me. But he seems to be the only person I matter to anymore, and he hardly seems to care that I exist, I'm just a huge tit to him lol. I feel ugly and useless and unloved. John hardly acknowledges my existence anymore either. :( when does it end!?


  • I dont kno wat to tell u hun, I feel the same way, just want to give up but my baby girl is keeping me going! Hope things get better for you!
  • I'm so sorry. I'm sad to hear you ladies say this I'm scared I will get this way too. @sunshinelove you seemed so happy before and everything was perfect. :( I wish I had some advice. But hang in there it gets better.
  • Stay strong mamma :( I hope things get better for you! Try talking to your man maybe it'll make you feel better
  • I feel u ladies..Join the club coz I did...stupid hormones
  • I got the same way but it went away when my daughter was around two months
  • I promise your not just a tit to bubs, he loves you more than anyone in this world ever could
  • I felt the same way too, it got so bad that i was put on zoloft & now I'm 100% better, i even got back to work and am able to go out & stuff...my ppd was so bad that i had unrealistic fears of leaving the house!
  • @everyone thank you ladies <3 I know its totally normal to feel this way, and that its just hormones trying to get back to normal, I think thats what keeps me going the most is that I know that Im not actually depressed and that nothing is actually wrong. Its just the way everything seems right now. I don't get it tho, I have the world right here sitting in his bassinet next to me, I have a loving fiance who works his ass off just so I dont have to, it seems like the perfect life to me! but hormones are saying no your life sucks now mope about it! lol! Im going to talk to maybe a therapist or my ob about some happy pills for a little while if it gets any worse. Being sad just isnt like me at all, Im usually so happy that it annoys people LOL! I hate this ppd crap, I figured I would be the last person on earth to get it! Sorry to hear you ladies have the same thing going on :( <3 I hope you guys find the happy!!
  • You live in Oregon right? I lived in Oregon and Idk how far south you are I was on the coast (now I'm in Washington same climate temp) anyways the weather sucks its so up and down its been proven to make depression worse. My suggestion and it totally has helped me when I have been down and I have fought with depression on and off since I was young but not ppd yet. Go tanning. Even just a few times the uv rays help bring vitamin d and it helps fight depression. Also st Johns wort is an all natural herb to help with depression. Idk if safe to take while bfing. Good luck.
  • Hang in there, its hard to adjust to being a new mom. I had the worst ppd with my 3rd. It was so hard to adjust to having 3 children all under 4 that all had separate needs. Once I found my groove and a way to make things work, it got a lot better. Stay positive and know it will be over soon:)
  • Prozac works wonders :) it did for me
  • After #3 came, I was crying every day and miserable. (My oldest just turned 3, 2nd was 20 months, and a newborn.) I wanted to get in the car and just drive away and leave everyone. I finally saw my dr. at 4 months pp and was placed on celexa. I had to stop pumping/ bfing, which at first saddened me more, but after 6 wks, I was a whole new me.

    My advice is if it's not normal for you and it's more than the "baby blues" get yourself some help. You need to be taken care of, too!

    After a year, I stopped talking antidepressants. I found that I still needed a bit of help. Samantha is right, St. John's Wort helped me kind of balance out. I took 2 every day until we were trying to get pregnant with this baby.
  • @tizpear did u have any negative reactions with Celexa? How quick did it work???
  • Ewww st johns wart makes ur breath stink bad I took it before I couldn't brush that taste out of my mouth
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