34 days!!!

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
Wow What an adventure this has been! I'm So done being prego! This is number 4 for me but this little girl has kicked my butt like no other.. very bad morning sickness in the begining so bad it put me in the hospital 3xs. Now high bp,cold, and a kidney infection has me laid up. The doc is even talking a cs with this one because she is so big. But you know what! I feel truly blessed and proud to be a mom again and am so excited to hold my new baby girl ;)


  • So close! I'm glad #3 was my limit. All three pregnancies were nice n easy. As much as I'd like one more... I'm blessed. Hopefully delivery goes easy for you!
  • Thank you .. I'm thinking this will be our last but I'm scared of making that step of getting my tubes tied.
  • edited October 2011
    I have 16 days left and although this is only my second baby its my last! And if this pregnancy was my first then he'd be an only child!
    My pregnancy with my first son was so easy had no problems at all (apart from him being lazy and having to be induced 11 days late). But with this baby boy I felt constantly sick until 11 week, BH started at just 21 weeks and they hurt this time around! And now I have a bad head constantly and bring back up everything I eat which has landed me in hospital twice!
    So I've been put off having anymore!
  • Well I filled out the paperwork for my tubes today!!! I'm done! My kids are all amazing but I can't do this again!
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