post partum?

My baby was born on Friday and I've been doing really good with everything, feeling good...but tonight I was up for the second night in a row for three hours + feeding my daughter and every time she would stop feeding and fall asleep I'd go to put her down and she would start crying again and rooting around. After feeding her for two hours with a half hour in between feedings she fell asleep again and when I tried to wake her up and get her to feed more she seemed disinterested so I thought she was done. So I put her back in her crib to go to sleep and a minute later she was crying and rooting around again. I went to feed her again and she ate for maybe five minutes and fell asleep again, wouldn't eat when I put her back on the breast but then wanted to eat when I tried to put her down. I just broke down into tears because I'm so tired and frustrated with the situation. I don't know how to get her on a schedule because I try to feed her lots during the day especially when I am going to bed soon but she seems to be doing this every night. I was just wondering if anyone thinks this could be post partum depression? Or just frustration? The only other thing I've been thinking could be related to post partum is I've been short and snappy with my boyfriend....


  • edited October 2011
    I'd say baby blues.. not ppd. Jmo. Have you tried a paci in your lil one? Sounds like she just wants to suck... not necessarily hungry. Or she could be cluster feeding. Which is good gets your milk supply going. Hang in there momma the first few weeks are the hardest!
  • Have you tried giving her a paci? Seems she's just using you for comfort. You can also try putting her in the crib and then just placing your hand on her to let her know your there until she falls asleep.
    Newborns don't understand day/nights either, it can take a dew more weeks for her to really settle into a pattern.
  • What she is doing is normal, new borns cluster feed to up your supply! And when she is doing this at night she is more than likely using you as a pacifier! Anyways, to me its one of the hardest parts of breast feeding. It does not sound like your depressed just frustrated and sleep deprived, also normal. Keep your head up mom the first two weeks are the toughest. Only be concerned if you have thoughts of not taking care of baby or possibly harming yourself or baby! Trust me once you and baby build a relation ship (which takes time) then youll be fine!
  • Becareful with giving her a paci early though. She may get nipple confusion if you start it too early
  • I went though it I just gave up putting her in her bassinet. She won't take a paci tried four kinds lol. Just let her nurse try laying and nursing. You will be fine sweety this is normal.
  • Frustration along with sleep deprivation! It happens in the beginning... You are both new to it all. She is using you as a paci for comfort but that will stop and she'll get on a schedule eventually! Babies also ooften have their days and nights confused. Give it some time and just hang in there, it willlll get better :)
  • Thanks everybody.
  • My lo does the same I caved gave him a binkie and he is so much better. No nipple confusion either. He was born Saturday so I'm sure its fine for your lo
  • My lil man does that to me also sometimes and I feel like breaking down sometimes too, think its just the frustration combined with the tiredness.
  • Yeah I'm gonna try and feed her as much as possible today and try to keep her awake more so hopefully she'll be sleepier tonight.
  • @samanthadee1688 dont keep your lo up this will only make her so tired that she cant sleep! Go to and read the sleep guide for babies! I am following her advice with my 6 week old and so far its working. Try swaddling ur lo...even if she fights it and use a swing and white noise. Good luck!!
  • My little one does that too....just hang in there it will all get better.
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