Do you give them the medicine before, after, or in between feedings?! I thought it would say on the bottle so I didn't ask but all it says is twice a day! @mom2b@mommyfor3@augustbaby
I gave it once in the morning and once at night. I only used it for two weeks I didn't notice a difference and so the pros didn't out weigh the cons for us. I just stopped bf and put her on a formula that helped her.
@mommyfor3 I strictly breastfeed I have tried all three ways and it seems like before feeding works best so I'm just going to stick with that! Thank you!!
thanxx. do u know about how long it will take to make a difference ?
thats good to know, i've read some HORRIBLE reviews that have scared me and have me hesitating to give him his first dose...
ok, thank u i feel much better now
@mom2b @mommyfor3 @augustbaby