breast fed babies and sleeping through the night

edited October 2011 in Sleep
Ella will be 5 weeks on Saturday and for the most part she is still waking up at least every 3 hours at night to eat. I did have 2 nights where she slept for 5 hours straight. I am exclusively breast feeding her so I was wondering how long it took for other breast fed babies to sleep through the night? Also if any mommas have any tips on how to get her to sleep alone I feel like as soon as I put her down she wakes right up.


  • My two oldest kids didn't sleep through the night until they were over 4 yrs old. Nice,right? Sophia is now 6w1d and (bf obviously) once she is down for bed time (and not just a cat nap) she sleeps her longest stretch usually around 4-5 hrs. Last night was the first night she slept for almost 6 hrs! But that is not normal for her. All babies are different. To get her to sleep on her own during night times do not talk to her, make eye contact, turn on tv, dim lights for changing and feeding. Burp her and put her down. However I have one thing I don't obey i have to turn on the tv to stimulate my mind so that i dont fall asleep. Also I have learned that durng night feedings I feed her laying down. It seems to help too. At this age it is difficult to get baby on a schedule so don't fret too much. It is very frustrating but when baby can sleep longer stretches she will. :) hope this helps some
  • BUMP! I would also like to know! Im in the same boat, just a week behind. Sophia sleeps in my bed most nights because when I move her to hers she wakes up within 15-30 mins or less...
  • @survivormommie3 thanks for the advice. When she sleeps that long do you wake up to pump? I feel like if I go to long without nursing or pumping my supply will go down. I'm a ftm and no one I know breast fed so I'm new to all this
  • My son is 15 days old and he has slept through the night since we brought him home at 3 days. I was waking him up at 5 hrs but he wouldnt really feed, just suck and fall back asleep. So we decided to let him sleep so I feed him between 11-12pm and he will sleep till 7am. Then I will feed him and we will both go back to sleep till between 8 and 930ish. I dont pump but I may have to when I get more milk coming in.
  • Do you pump? If so mix your breast milk with about 2oz of chamomille tea. It works magic :D my baby is 6weeks & sleeps about 6hrs. Good luck :)
  • @clope18 at how many weeks did you start doin that and how long did your baby sleep before you did the tea?
  • My baby may sleep maybe 4hrs on a good night, only happened a couple times though. he's usually up every 2-3 hrs. :(
    @clope18 where did you get that idea? Did doc say that's ok? I've never heard of giving an infant tea.
  • @mommyof3tobe yep, its perfectly fine, my pedi recommended it to me & babies LOVE it, it also helps with their tummy if they're gassy/constipated & works wonders for fussy babies ;)
  • @angie87 I just barely started giving it to him last week (5weeks old). Before I started giving it to him he would wake up every 2hrs! Now he sleep 4-5hrs, its like I have a new baby! :D I only give it to him at night. I mix 2oz of chamomille tea w/4oz of breast milk
  • @clope18 hmm I'm gonna have to try!! Wow thanks. :)
  • @mommyof3tobe no prob! :D you can get it at any grocery store & its only like 2-3 bucks depending on what brand you get :)
  • I think it just depends on the baby Wheeler my son is 2 months today an he sleeps the longest when I first put him down from like 9-3 but sometimes he doesnt wake up til like 5 or 7 he sleeps alot during the night time. When he wakes up at 3, 5 or 7 I change him an nurse him but he eats for a couple mins an falls asleep. I think its more of a comfort thing for him. I dont pump during the night an I havent had a problem with my supply.
  • edited October 2011
    You think its ok to do it with formula cuz I don't pump enough for a feeding so I mix both when I get anything out of my boobs. He wakes up every 2 and half hours at night. And he gets a lot of gas and here fussy @clope18
  • @clope18 Thanks so much! I love me some pregly girl! Lol great resources I tell you.
  • @angie87 yes mam :) pedi said mix it w/breast milk or formula. Good luck
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