how long....

How long does it take for Ur breast to fill back up after ur baby nurses or u pump?

I ask bcuz i pumpd 6oz from one breast, (6oz each breast,12oz total) an now it seems like my bby isn't getn a lot. He wil nurse for a minute, then pull off crying (i burped him, so I dnt think its that)


  • I wanna know too. Bump.
  • Your body is always making milk so they will always be able to get milk out but I would say atleast an hour or longer to get a decent bit damn you get 6 out of each one how old is your lil one
  • Mine has been doing the same thing today, but instead of pumping Its like he has drank me dry cuz he has been on a boob for about the last 5 hours straight, not strait eating but just using me as a human pacifire lol.
  • @Samantha thanks for the bump
    @lala15 thanks for Ur answer. Yea 6oz from each breast lol he's 6weeks old 2day
    @sunshinelove my bby uses me as a pacifier at night to go to sleep. He used to take a paci but now he wants nothing but the boob. I dnt mind tho, its clearly helpn my milk supply lol
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