aggravated with contractions :(

edited October 2011 in Labor
I have had contractions 4 minutes apart for the last 20 hours...i went to l&d at 2am......i was 1cm dilated and 50-60% effaced....they sent me home....i am now having back scared to go back to l&d because back contractions dont show up on monitors. And I dont know if they help with dilation...i have lost LOTS of mucous (sorry tmi) that a sign my cervix maybe changing? Im in so much pain....btw I am 38 weeks 5 days.


  • Yes its a sign that Ur cervix have opened. More.
  • Should I call the dr and see if I should come back in?
  • U sound like me. I'm 38 weeks and 4 days and having our 4th boy. I've been having regular painful contractions for almost 2 weeks. I've gone to the hospital twice but they just send me home cuz I'm not progressing. I've been stuck at a 2 and 50% effaced forever now. I feel like a ftm again with this 4th baby. Everything is so different than with my other children. Lots of labor dust to u, send some this way too;)
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