moms who have had their babies

edited October 2011 in October 2011
Do any of you find yourself missing your pregnant belly??? - I was just looking at my prego pics and I miss being pregnant and feeling my little booger moving around inside me :/


  • Hell yeah! Defiantly miss it, espically the kicks :-D
  • I oddly do not. I am enjoying him in my arms to much.
    I didnt even have a hard pregnancy or labor. I just didnt care for it I guess lol
  • I do.. I miss it soo much!
  • Whoops hit enter before I was done.

    Though it could be because I couldnt feel much movement. My placenta was up front so it blocked so much that I didnt feel much. Not until the end and even then a lot of the time I could see my stomach moving but couldnt feel it... So that could be why I dont miss feeling anything since I never really did
  • Yes very much
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