oh my preglys please help me!

edited October 2011 in Depression
My son Liam will be 7 weeks on Mon.... well he already sleeps when he thinks its time for bed a full 8 hours... but the problem is he thinks day is night and night is day. He won't go to sleep until 7 in the morning and its killing me. I'm so tired all the time. I have a three year old too who gets up right as Liam goes to sleep. How do I switch his sleeping pattern? I need him to sleep at night like the rest of my family. Please help I'm desperate and so exhausted. It's starting to bring on ppd even stronger then I already had it. My life feels lost right now. HELP! :(


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  • I've been trying so hard to keep him up its ridiculous.... I will sing to him and bounce him and call his name and pick him up constantly and give him baths... and he sleeps through it all! Once he's out he's really out. I haven't found one thing that can keep him awake for longer then 2-3 min. Noise dosnt even bother him at all. What can I do... will he ever get into a normal sleeping pattern? BTW thank u so much for taking the time to respond.
  • has no one else had this problem? What do I do?
  • I have the same problem but I heard noise & doesn't phase them because they spent 9months being bounced around &hearing noise
  • @MissQ_1stTimeMommy2B its driving me mad. My body hurts and my head hurts. How old is your lil one?
  • Being naked usually is not their fav. Undress him during the day .
  • @ourbaby3 that I have not tried... I'll give it a try. Thank u.
  • I have a 6 yr old and a almost 4 week old. my first daughter gave me absolute hell for the first year she didn't sleep through the night till almost 2 and cried about 20 hours out of the day. But I learned some tricks since then and my new daughter is doing great. Do you bottle or breast feed? if u bottle feed try warming the feedings after 6pm so ur baby is more relaxed and recognizes the pattern. if you breast feed I strip my babygirl down to diaper and lay her skin to skin with me while I nurse her then I bathe her at 7-8pm and massage her with lavender lotion. she eats again at about 11 at this feeding I usually give her a warm bottle with half formula half pumped breastmilk...the formula fills her up till 5am and she still gets the benefits of breastmilk. I also highly promote swaddling i have noticed she relaxes and instantly falls asleep once swaddled it comforts them. my daughter also prefers to sleep in her bouncer rather than flat in the bassinet it sort of hugs her because its deeper. I hope this helps a little. best wishes mama! ;)
  • My daughter suddenly changed her sleeping pattern at 5 wks (she's 6 wks now). She sleeps for 4-5 hours at a time during the day& up all night. This is what i am doing. At her bedtime which is 10:30 pm, i turn out the lights & turn off the tv. I make sure she's fed, changed & had her bath. I lay her in her bassinet once she seems tired or has been up for more than 1 1/2 hours. She cries...i will try to comfort her in her bassinet, rubbing her or rocking her bed. I dont talk to her, make eye contact or engage her in any way. Once she is calm & walk away. If she cries again i let her cry for 5 to 6 minutes, the i will go comfort her again. I do not pick her up.

    Im not gonna lie, the first nite was hell. She cried almost the whole nite. At one point she was crying so hard & my rubbing her and rocking the bed was not calming her so i did pick her up to hold her. Once i got her calm i layed her back down. The next day she was so upset & thrown off that she was fussy all day. She didnt sleep well during the day. The next nite she did a little better she only cried half as much as the nite before.
    Im only on day three so im not sure if its gonna work.

    I was watching tv all nite b4 and staying awake with her. If she cried i immediately picked her up, i rocked her, sing to her, kiss her, talk to her to make her smile. No wonder she wanted to stay up with me...i was super fun. No more...at nite im boring and emotionless.
  • Babies that young don't know the difference between night or day. I always wouldn't let my daughter sleep from 7pm-12am then she would pass out. Can your SO get up at night with the baby some so you can sleep?
  • @proudmomma no my hubby has to work and needs his sleep. :( I wish I had some help. But I really have no one to help me. @everyone thank you so much for all the advise.
  • My son did the same thing...keep curtains open during day and noise going...at night I keep only a lil night light on in nursery and don't talk to him when I get up and give him his bottle...I felt bad at first but it keeps it quiet and calm. I started around 6pm...we would play then give him his bath and give him s bottle and he would sleep...and I've just gradually made that later...now we have it down to his bedtime is between 8-9 and he sleeps til 230 then has a bottle and goes back to sleep til 7am. It took a few weeks to get him to get that he needed to sleep at night but it will happen!
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