stitches ripped open tmi maybe

edited October 2011 in Postpartum Health
What do I do? I have the self absorbing ones but the last few days I've noticed I'm bleeding more and today I checked and sure enough it looks like it split open. Will it heal itself or do I need to go get more?


  • Id go to the doctor
  • Id go to the doctor
  • Go to the Dr....
  • They are not open until Monday. Will I be ok until then? Idk when they even ripped maybe yesterday I noticed it started stinging more when I peed.
  • Call the after hours line. They will usually have your Dr call you back and ask then if you should wait or go to the er or urgent care or something. I wouldn't think waiting would be good cuz it could either start healing on it's own and heal wrong or get infected. But I'm in no way a Dr do not sure. Definitely call the after hours line!
  • I agree with the others, your stuck with however it heals so better to get it checked
  • Mine did the same they are healing themselves I took antibiotics so they wouldnt get infected
  • U ain't been to long delivered I'm assuming, u can call or go back to the hospital!
  • I had my baby a week ago. Ugh this is so frustrating. Thanks ladies ill call now.
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