think I'm falling out of love with him...

edited October 2011 in Relationships
Our baby is just a few days shy of 3 weeks. But I just don't feel the same for him anymore. We live in Virginia, I'm originally from California. I just feel I need my family and support system, and they all live in CA. He has 2 kids from a previous marriage and I don't feel I could ever love them. The only reason why he stays in VA is because of his kids and his job in the Navy. I am prior military and got pregnant right after getting out and stayed because I did love him at one point. Well I'm ready to move back home and have more emotional support from my family. Sorry this is so jumbled and long but I just felt the need to vent :-((


  • Well sure, it's a tough time for you right now. Men don't always get how to be emotionally supportive, and your emotional needs are pretty high right now. Give yourself some time, talk with him, see if you can work through the hurtles you face now...
  • Have you talk to him about it?
  • @mybabe I've tried but all he says is "if you feel unhappy, leave" sometimes I wish he was a better support system or I had more friends I could talk to here in VA.
  • Do what makes you happy. But just remember you still are hormonal but if your feelings stay the same in the weeks to come then go back home. But i think a lot of us have felt disconnected from our men either during or after pregnancy due to hormones. I wish you the best and hope you make the best decision for you and baby:)
  • Oh well I would take his advice and leave sounds like neither one of you are to happy...jmo
  • I agree with @proudmomma you're still hormonal and you might feel differently in a couple weeks, I say give it a little time, things are hard especially with a new baby. For now I would start calling home more and talking about things with your family and if things don't get better then leave. Good luck
  • I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't love my husband anymore and it stinks, especially since the feeling is mutual. I'm moving home to be with my family. Hope things work out for you.
  • I'm sorry its not working out for you two. Do you think the feelings are mutual? I'd have a serious heart to heart but honestly if it seems neither one of you are happy then those vibes are going to move towards your baby & then the baby won't be happy. Sometimes your own family is what's best to be around! Either way staying or leaving is a big decision so weigh in all your pros & cons before making your decision. Best of luck to the both of you!
  • How old are you? I've been with my bd for almost 4 years and I'm 19. Somedays I feel the same as you and it sucks so bad. I even wonder if I stick around because of our baby. Maybe you and baby could take a trip to visit your family and give you some breathing nspace and maybe the time apart will make you miss him and realize what you want. Hope things get better
  • Most men are not as supportive as we need them to be. They rarely understand what we are going through physically and emotionally. My partner is an amazing guy... But still doesnt understand I had a baby a week ago and its tough. If you dont think you can work it out go home where you will be supported
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