faithful... or not?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
It seems like ever since I got pregnant I am way more paranoid and feel like he is not being faithful... but I think it's not cuz I'm preggo... I think he really is, but idk how to approach the subject? Am I just being irrational?


  • I feel the same way, even though I've been happily married for 5 years. I felt the same way the first time around; I think its because we feel vulnerable & less attractive than usual... I would just calmly tell him this & what he can do to calm your fears, and if he's a good guy & not up to anything, he'll be supportive & help out. :)
  • I was the same way with my hubby. I think its cuz they are hiding their feelings(about being nervous and afraid) so we think they are being secretive which automatically means they're cheating cuz were @vette_devil said just talk with him....tears always make them less defensive don't scream at him just show him how hurt you feel that it seems that way to you.
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