is my baby gaining enough?

edited October 2011 in Babies Health
I'm scared my baby isn't gaining weight like he should.:( I'm terrified I'm not doing something right.
I breast fed for a little less than 2 weeks. Due to lack of support, poor latch, and extreme frustration. I wish I would have tried harder now.. but any way he was born on Mon. The 26th of Sept at 7.9 and 20.5 inches long. He left the hospital at 7.3 weighed 7.0 on Friday. Then 7.8 the following Friday. Then 7.12 on the following Thursday. Then this past Tuesday at 4 weeks 1 day he is still only weighing 8.6

I see everyone else talking about their babies, that have gained 2 or more pounds from birth weight by 1 month. And he hasn't made it 1 pound past his birth weight.

He was having some issues when I put him on formula so I recently switched to soy.

But why isn't my baby gaining like every one else's.:( what am I doing wrong

Sorry so long I just need some insight.


  • Every baby is different and grow different. My baby is 19days and finally back up to her birth weight. She was 8-1 at birth and left the hospital at 7-8.6. At her first check up was only up to 7-10. As of monday she was up to 7-15. So i think by now she should atleast be back up to her 8-1.
  • Mine is 23 days old and still well below her birth weight. She was 8.10, and she's 7.14.
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