is it my horomones??????

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I am so angryyyyy right now with my husband. I asked him hours ago to bring me a hot dog and some orange juice. He never brought it in. He had the nerve to tell me the gas station doesn't sell them. Than he's in here being all nice acting like nothing happened. I'm getting angrier by the moment ready to cry because I'm so angry and I'm eating oatmeal....(I'm basically venting but I'm wondering am I feeling this way becuz of my pregnancy horomones?) Can any of u ladies relate?


  • Yep, I asked my hubby to make me hot cocoa while he was in the kitchen and he was like I gotta eat. Them he came in and got on the Wii...I'm like really like making hot cocoa would have taken more time out of your eating schedule than getting on the Wii....grrr
  • If the gas station didn't have em then he should go to a store that's opened 24/7 and got some got dogs and juice and made em for you
    Sometimes those cravings get the best of you
    Where you're at do you have a Wal-Mart that never closes
  • Well he acts like he doesn't get it....and it just turned into a argument. But I have the biggest attitude right now and I still feel like crying and now we're going to be mad at each other
  • **going to bed
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