He wont sleep...

edited October 2011 in Sleep
8 weeks old and no changes in sleeping pattern! He sleeps like a rock during the day, then wants to be up all night! When I lay him in his crib he wakes up! I literally for the past 3 hours have picked him up like 20 Times b/c he was screaming in his crib!?? Mama's tired!!!!! :/


  • I feel the same way!!! I've tried waking himuo during the day, nursing him a TON before bed time and yet it'll be midnight and he'll STILL be wide awake. I wish us both luck in this!
  • Sorry your dealing with this. I have been so lucky with my kids never had that problem with my son and my daughter is a week old and sleeping great overnight... I make the evenings playtime, bath if they need the calm wind down time, then cuddles and a big feed and bed.... Hope you get it sorted soon xox
  • All 3 of my girls would NOT sleep in their crib. I had to hold them to get any sleep. Do u have a swing? I know some people put the baby swing right by their bed and see if baby will sleep in that. Its worth a try when ur so tired. Good luck. Helps to remember that it WONT last forever... U will get sleep again.
  • Try cosleeping, or keying then fall asleep on your chest. All babies are different, think bout when they were in our bellies they were.moved and slept most in the day. It's a learning curve. And there are some babies who will never sleep fully through the night, (not killing your chances but being honest)
  • Thanx ladies
    @musicmomma %%-
    @tinka1326 yeah this is new to me cuz my first was a very good sleeper! :/
    @mommyof3girls he does sleep very well in the swing/car seat, I just don't want him to get used to anything other than his crib..he sleeps great in my arms as well but that's not practical
    @pesmommy he had a couple great nights so I thought that was it...nope just kidding mommy! Lol hopefully soon tho!
  • Try giving him 2oz of chamomille tea mixed with his BM/formula before bed. My 6week old was the same, he wouldnt sleep w/o me holding him & when he would sleep he would wake up every hr & a half to every 2hrs! Now since I've been giving him the tea he sleeps 4-5hrs :D
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