Ohhh bassinet... I'm not ready to let you go:(

My daughter is almost 3 months old, she is still in her bassinet but I think it is becoming more of a bad thing than good... She is quite the little mover and I have noticed lately she has started pushing herself up until her head and face are at the top of the bassinet everytime I move her she goes right back up... I want to put her in her crib because I think it would be safer but it is in her own room and I don't want her to be in her own room yet. I am terrified of sids and I feel like I always need to be close to her. I told my husband I wanted him to bring her crib to our room and he said that I try to shelter our kids and that she will be fine in her own room, so I told him I was just going to make a bed on the floor in her room for myself and he said the same thing. I just don't know what to do. I know she has outgrown her bassinet but the fear of sids completely overwhelms me. I honestly think about it 85% of the day. Is this normal??? My husband acts like I am crazy. I just don't know what to do or if its even normal for me to feel this way?!?!


  • I would also like to know at what age do you think its best for a child to be in its own room?
  • My one month old still sleeps next to us in her bouncer. I have no idea how we're going to get her in her pack n play like she's supposed to! It's scary for me as well. I don't know how some people can just take their babies home and immediately have them sleep in their crib in another room! I'm not brave enough for that.
  • Sids is a very real fear.
  • Maybe get a pac n olay and have her sleep in that in your room? Not as big as a crib and will hold.her
  • @Mrs4c My cousin brought her baby home and put her straight to her own room and I couldn't believe it. I am so terrified not to mention the most common age for sids is between 2 and 4 months and my daught is right in the middle. I have done so much reasearch and it's a scary thing because the whole subject is a gray area. There is noting black or white about it. No one knows what happened or why and that is so scary.
  • Nicholas has been in his crib in his room since day one. Im scared of sids too but no one really knows what causes it and if its going to happen its going to happen. I lost sleep at first but my husband went and got a video baby cam and its amazing. Anytime i freak out/ worry i just look at the cam. :) it was 200+ but sooo worth it. Letting him sleep in our room or with us was out of the question my husband kicks and pushes in his sleep. I look like i get beat up lol. So his room was the safest for hin
  • Idk! Its on my mind a lot too my bf dnt kno that I worry so much though... both my 2 1/2 yr old and our newborn sleep in our room and check them both all through out the night! I have no idea how to get my oldest out of our bed into his own..:-/
  • @LittleFae I never thought about that... I didn't get one this time around because my son used his like twice and that was when we were on vacation lol he also slept in my room until he was 1 1/2 (husband lived in another state at the time) and he claims thats why our son is such a sissy lol
  • Yeah sids is so scary. For the longest time I only let her fall asleep at night in my arms. I was so afraid of everything I convinced myself every night that if she died that night at least she'd die in my arms!!! Not healthy at all!!!! I wish they had better insight into why sids happens!
  • @Kindell Camera moniter is a great idea! thats one I never thought about I have also considered getting one of those monitor's that alarm sounds if there is no movement for so long but cant find where to buy them!

  • :) if you still have yours dust it off and use it lol if not there always on craigs list for decent prices
  • I don't have anything from my first anymore... (didn't plan on having anymore) lol I don't know why I didn't get a pack n play instead of the bassinet to being with, they are about the same price.
  • @second_time_mommy7 i love mine. Plus my parents split when we were little so my mom let my younger brother sleep with her til he was 5. Then it took almost a yr to break that. He even would sleep in the dog bed in her room. :( plus if kids sleep in your bedroom when do u have sex lol
  • @kindell I was just like your little brother only mine lasted until I was like 10 never slept in a dog bed but if she wouldn't let me sleep with her I would sleep in the hallway outside her door Lmao and when my hubby was away I obviously didn't have sex but now she falls asleep in her bouncer seat the I take it to her room then go get her when we are done :) lol
  • I moved my son to his own room at 2 months and got him his own little fan. They say that having a fan in the room, circulating the air, helps reduce the risk of sids.
  • @second_time_mommy7 it's the angelcare monitor and you can get it at target or babies r us. I got it and hubby Just set it up today and we tested it out and it definitely works :)
  • @smcox Thank you! I may just make a trip there today! Did you buy it in store or online?
  • @misskristin I have never heard that? I told hubby to not put fans near her because I was afraid it would take her breath away!
  • My lo is still in our room but i have a mat thing that goes under mattress and beeps after 15sec of baby not breathing/moving and alarm goes of after 20second only thing is i always forget to turn it of when i pick him up though haha
  • @second_time_mommy7 It doesn't need to be right in the babies face. :) As long as it is moving air in the room. It also serves as comfort noise.
  • Kaylee is about to be 3 months in a few days and I was going to try and let her sleep in her own room in her crib....the pack and play that Kaylee has says that babies shouldn't sleep in it pass 4 months. I'm kind of terrified of putting her in her own room bc I'm used to having her right beside me. I had a dream a few days ago that Kaylee got up outta the pack and play and ran into the living room....Needless to say, that dream freaked me out but I think it was a sign that she needs to be in her crib but I just don't know how I'm gonna do it. I've been noticing that sometimes Kaylee completely turns the other way throughout the night.
  • I got my angelcare monitor at babies r us! I'm so crazy....I used it in his bassinet while he was in my room....next to my bed! They do give I peace of mind
  • I got mine in store at babies r us.
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