how long should a 2 week old sleep?

edited November 2011 in Postpartum Health
My daughter will be 3 weeks Wednesday and she just slept 6 hours straight. Trust me I'm not complaining (my hubby and I literally almost cried tears of joy to get 6 consecutive hours of sleep.) But is it normal for her to be sleeping so long already? She was really fussy yesterday and only napped for about an hour at a time. She is breastfed too so before I put her down she had 4 oz. Should I have woken her up to feed her?


  • Lucky!!! My 5 week oils longest stretch has been 4 hours!!! All babies are different, demand feeding is good, and babies will wake if hungry :)
  • You are lucky. My four week old only gave me four at the longest and that was yesterday morning. I hope it keeps,up for you
  • I breast feed too. Everyone has different opinions about waking them to feed. I follow what my doctor's opinion is. They told me to wake her every three hours until she ten pounds or 8 weeks, whatever comes first. I have a tiny baby so I think it is important but everyone is different. Even if you should wake her I don't think one night of sleep will hurt anything. BTW I am jealous I am falling asleep as I type this and feed her at the same time.
  • M friends baby slept thru the night at 3days old.
  • My little boy has always been a great sleeper. Although he would kick up a fuss till 3am he would then sleep right through till 12pm the next day! He's now 3 (end of November) and sleeps 8 till 8. I hope this new little man is the same!
  • Thanks for the reassurance everyone! It just scared me because she's usually up every 3 or 4 hours. It was really nice to get some sleep though :-)
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