I have an appointment in an hour, I missed my appointment last week so I'm really hoping I've made some progress since my appointment before that (I was 40% effaced) wish me luck ladies!
I'm due 11/11/11 too mama! I had my appointment yesterday and I'm 1cm she said I won't make it till 11/11/11 so she's giving me a membrane sweep on Friday @ 11am then sending me to the hospital.. she's pretty confident that ill go into labor after the sweep guess 11/4/11 wouldn't be a bad birthday. but I was really liking the idea of 11/1/11 or 11/11/11
@babyhamm I'm just curious, did your dr say why she didn't think you'd make it to your due date? I'm also due on the 11th,last week I was 3 cm and 80% effaced and she said still doesn't mean much??!! I go back on Thursday, can't wait to see where I'm at now!
@baileygoose he didn't really say, everything he tells me is always so vague lol he said it could be nine days or could be two weeks so he didn't really tell me much
@baileygoose probably because I went to the hospital twice at 30w for constant contractions so I was put on bedrest til 37w3d I still take it pretty easy I've been having lots of contractions the last week. Fingers crossed! I'm ready to hold my son!
But Maybe you'll get to have a due date baby! 11/11/11 is a neat birthday!