holding things

edited November 2011 in Ages & Stages
Ive seen on a couple different sites tht babies should b holding things like rattles and even shaking them by 3 months but my daughter cant even hold nething. Im thinkin cus shes a preemie and she has tiny hands thts why but im wonderin:
1. when everyone elses babies started bein able to hold things?
2. Should i be worried tht my LO isnt yet?


  • My son held his bottle at four days old with his fist. With his hands at three weeks. So I'm not sure. I wan to say don't be worried but I'd it makes u feel better maybe you should mention it to her pediatrician
  • All babies develop at a different pace than other babies. I wouldn't worry too much since she's still fairly young. If she can't do it at, say, six months, I would worry.
  • I think being preemie has a lot to do with "slow" development. My daughter JUST started smiling 2 weeks ago and she's 12 1/2 weeks. Her pediatrician said its hard to tell when they'll reach their milestones the first 6 months or so when they're preemie. My daughter can't hold anything either but I'm not worried. How early was your baby? Mine was 4 1/2 weeks early.
  • @newmama16 I wouldnt worry now she's still young and all babies grow and learn at different paces, her being preemie could have something to do with it but dont worry she will be holding things anf throwing at u in no time! Lol
  • Thanks everyone for ur quick responses! @_kaykes @potato @starrxoxo9 @missq_1sttimemommy2b
    @_kaykaes - Lily can hold her bottle up sometimes w her fists, sometimes w her hands open, its jus rattles tht she cant hold cus her hands r so small. She has an appt on the 10th n trust me i already hav a LONG list of questions! Lol
    @starrxoxo9 - shes been smilin for awhile now, but she didnt even look like she was thinkin bout doin it til about a month ago n shes 3 months now. She was due aug 16th n was born july 23rd. I lost my job n the stress caused me to go into preterm labor the nxt day.
    @missq_1sttimemommy2b - tht cracked me up! She already kicks me, hits me, n head butts me all the time; i cant imagine her havin a weapon too! Lmao
  • Lol @ the weapon thing. Id say your baby girl is right on track. My cousins son was 10 weeks premature and his doctor says him doing things a lil slow is completely normal. Even if she wasn't a preemie, she's gonna do what she wants when she wants regardless of what other babies her age are doing.
  • Amen to tht lol @aydonsmommy . Well said. =D>
  • ya i gwouldnt worry about it..Levi is 3 1/2 months old and just this week started even being intrested in any toys and i caught himm in his carseat trying to hold onto thost plastic rings that liink together...(i clip his pacis to his carseat on those) i figured what @aydonsmommy said..hes gonna do what he wants when he wants! ;)
  • My baby can only hold his pacifier & take it out his mouth he just started grabbing things he is 2 months
  • All babies are different, just remember things you read about milestones are averages so there are plenty of babies doing things way before or way after that time frame
  • Hope helps to hold her bottle, has done since she first had a bottle at about 3 weeks, occasionally she holds it alone but usually only for a few mins. she will hold toys if i put them in her hand. yesterday she rolled over for the first time, shes 6 weeks 4 days.
  • edited November 2011
    Your baby was a month premature so don't worry if yours does things alittle behind schedule. remember to adjust age if she was a month early and she there months now it's almost like she two months give her some extra time @newmama16
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